Published: Jan. 10, 2020

In 1991 the American Music Research Center at the ſ2023¼ began publishing an annual eponymous journal.Since its launch, theAMRC Journalhas published scholarship on a wide range of topics, including music of the American West; African American music-making during Jim Crow; stories of music, migration, and diaspora; Native American music, and new music.Now, with its 28thvolume in press, we have decided that it is time to renovate and reposition the journal to better serve the needs of 21st-century scholars and readers.

The AMRC is delighted to announce the launch ofAmericas: A Hemispheric Music Journal.An annual, peer-reviewed journal published with the University of Nebraska Press,takes its view of American music broadly, including the diverse soundscapes within the United States as well as the wider Americas, including the Caribbean.

Each issue of the journal will be themed.TheCall for Papersfor thefirst issue ofAmericas, “Borders/Boundaries/Fronteras,” can be foundhere.

The University of Nebraska Press will continue to honor subscriptions to theAMRC Journal, and both institutional and private subscribers will receive copies of our reimagined publication.