
I work with Mihaly Horányi studying the interplanetary dust environment with instrumentation and simulation. I'm the lead for the Student Dust Counter aboard New Horizons currently making in-situ measurements of the dust environment in the Kuiper Belt. We also model the dusty plasma environment of airless bodies like the moon.

Selected Publications:

Piquette, M., Horányi, M., 2017. The effect of asymmetric surface topography on dust dynamics on airless bodies. Icarus 291, 65–74.

Piquette, M., Horányi, M., Stern, S.A., 2017. Laboratory experiments to investigate sublimation rates of water ice in nighttime lunar regolith. Icarus 293, 180–184.

Szalay, J.R., Piquette, M., Horanyi, M., 2013. The Student Dust Counter: Status Report at 23 AU. Earth Planets Space 65, 1145–1149.

Piquette, M., Bernardoni, E., Poppe, A. R., Szalay, J., Horányi, in prep. Student Dust Counter: Status report at 38 AU and model comparisons.