
Climate Base State Influences on South Asian Monsoon Processes Derived From Analyses of E3SMv2 and CESM2

Oct. 5, 2023

Using two climate models (E3SM2 and CESM2), we attribute the differences in the strength of monsoon-ENSO connections to two specific processes, with about half due to mean tropical SSTs and half due to ENSO amplitude.


Processes Controlling the Seasonally Varying Emergence of Forced Arctic Longwave Radiation Changes

Oct. 5, 2023

Most observed patterns of recent Arctic surface warming and sea ice loss lie outside of unforced internal climate variability.


Drivers of Snowfall Accumulation in the Central Idaho Mountains Using Long-Term High-Resolution WRF Simulations

Sept. 22, 2023

The western United States region, an economic and agricultural powerhouse, is highly dependent on winter snowpack from the mountain west.

ice sheet

Heatwaves hitting Antarctica too now

Sept. 8, 2023

The world saw another year full of extreme weather events resulting from climate change in 2022, from intense storms to soaring temperatures and rising sea levels.


On the Links Between Ice Nucleation, Cloud Phase, and Climate Sensitivity in CESM2

Sept. 5, 2023

Ice nucleation in mixed-phase clouds influences climate projections. McGraw et al. show that total cloud feedback is independent of ice nucleation scheme when cloud phase is matched to satellite retrievals, showing the need to capture observed cloud phase to predict future change.


Improved tropical deep convective cloud detection using MODIS observations with an active sensor trained machine learning algorithm

Sept. 5, 2023

A deep convective cloud (DCC) detection approach for MODIS observations is developed with a CloudSat trained machine learning model. This approach provides high temporal and spatial resolution DCC distributions to support intra-seasonal to interannual climate variability studies.


Nonstationary Roles of Regional Forcings in Driving Low-Frequency Sea Level Variability Along the U.S. East Coast Since the 1950s

Sept. 5, 2023

The nonstationary roles of regional forcings from alongshore wind stress and sea level pressure (SLP) in driving low-frequency (interannual-to-decadal) sea level variability along the U.S. east coast for the 1959–2020 period are investigated.

Julia Moriarty

Julia Moriarty Receives 2023 DOE Early Career Award

Aug. 7, 2023

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Julia Moriarty in receiving the 2023 Department of Energy Early Career Award.

Jen Kay

Three days in the field help grad students bridge observations and data

June 15, 2023

Following the pandemic, CIRES students venture out of the lab and classroom.


Clouds Increasingly Influence Arctic Sea Surface Temperatures as CO2 Rises

May 1, 2023

As Arctic sea ice retreats during the melt season, the upper ocean warms in response to atmospheric heat fluxes.
