Minzu University of China


Ph.D., the College of Tibetan Studies, Minzu University of China, Area of Emphasis: Tibetan Buddhist Textual Studies, 2012

M.A., the College of Tibetan Studies, Minzu University of China, Area of Emphasis: Tibetan Dialects, 2008

B.A., the College of Tibetan Studies, Minzu University of China, Area of Emphasis: Tibetan Language & Literature, 2005


Research Interests

Translation in Tibet, Sino-Tibetan translation, and translation criticism



Dr. Namgyal Tsetan is an Associate Professor at the School of Chinese Ethnic Minority Languages and Literatures at the Minzu University of China. He is currently a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Religious Studies, 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录.


Selected Published Articles

2021??Najia Caidan. “The Sino-Tibetan Translation Characteristics of the First Volume of?Xi jinping: The Governance of China?[<<Zhi cin phing gis rgyal srid skyong lugs skor gleng ba>> (pod dang po)yi rgya bod lo tsA’i khyad chos闭.”?China Tibetology(Krung go’i bod rig pa), (2): 150-160.

2021??Najia Caidan. “A Textual Research on the Tibetan Version of ‘Eight Thousand verses of Praj?āpāramitā’: Versions, Translators, Collation and Changes in Specific Words (藏译本《八千颂般若波罗蜜多》考述:版本、译者、校勘及特定词语流变).”?China Tibetology(中国藏学),(1): 151-158.

2020??Najia Caidan. “On the translation of?Pang kong Phyag brgya pa?(gNyan po gsang ba gsang stabs kyis ‘’jal’ ba—&濒迟;&濒迟;Pang kong phyag brgya pa>>yi lo tsA’i skor rags bshad).”?Journal of Tibet University?(Bod ljongs slob grwa chen mo’i rig deb), (1): 163-176.

2019??Najia Caidan. “Revisiting Methods of Sanskrit to Tibetan (SaM bod lo tsA’i thabs lam ’ga’ la dpyad pa?).”?China Tibetology?(Krung go’i bod rig pa), (1): 133-143.

2018??Najia Caidan. “The two sides of the flower of the silk: Towards Languages and Translation (Za ’og gi ri mor rgyab nas lta ba—sKad rigs dang lo tsA’i ’bel gtam).”?Journal of the Qinghai Normal University(mTsho sngon dge ’os slob grwa chen mo’i rig gzhung dus deb), (4): 69-76.

2017??Najia Caidan. “A look at the Textual Criticism of Tibetan Translations of Buddhism (Bod kyi dam chos lo tsA brtag pa’i skor mdo tsam gleng ba).”?China Tibetology?(Krung go’i bod rig pa), (4): 178-191.

2017??Najia Caidan. “On the Teaching Methodology of Tibetan Grammar in the Universities for Minority Ethnics within China (sLob grwa chen mo’i bod yig brda sprod khrid thabs bshad pa).”?Education in Tibet(Bod kyi slob gso), (5): 68-84.

2014??Najia Caidan. “Some Remarks on Numerals Translating between Chinese and Tibetan (rGya bod grangs ka’i ming gi sgyur thabs cung zad bshad pa).”?China Tibetology(Krung go’i bod rig pa), (3): 132-141.
