Rex Skodje
Professor Emeritus

Office: Ekeley W145C


Ph.D.:听University of Minnesota, 1983

Areas of Expertise

Renewable Energy, Reaction Dynamics, Surface Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry

Resonances in Chemical Reactions

R.T. Skodje, "Resonances in Bimolecular Chemical Reactions",听Advances in Quantum Chemistry,听63, 119-164 (2012).

R. T. Skodje, D. Skouteris, D. E. Manolopoulos, S.-H. Lee, F. Dong, and K. Liu,听听听听听听听听听听听 鈥滷+HD-->HF+D:听 A Resonance Mediated Reaction鈥,听Phys. Rev. Lett.听85, 1206-1209 (2000).

M. Qiu, Z. Ren, L. Che, D. Dai, S. A. Harich, X. Wang, X.Yang, C. Xu, D. Xie, M. Gustafsson, R. T. Skodje, Z. Sun, and D. H. Zhang, 鈥淥bservation of Feshbach Resonances in the听听听听听 听F+H2-->HF+H Reaction鈥,听厂颁滨贰狈颁贰311, 1440-1443 (2006).

Quantization of the Transition State Bottleneck

M. Gustafsson and R. T. Skodje, 鈥淭he State-to-State-to-State Model of Direct Chemical Reactions:听 Application to the D+H2听Reaction鈥,听J. Chem. Phys.听124, 144311 (2006).

R. T. Skodje and X. M. Yang, "The Observation of Quantized Bottleneck States in Chemical Reactions",听International Rev. in Phys. Chem.,听23, 253-287 (2004).

D. Dai, C. C. Wang, S. A. Harich,听 X. Yang,听 S. D. Chao and R. T. Skodje, 鈥淚nterference of Quantized Transition State Pathways in the听H + D2听听鈫 D + HD听Chemical Reaction鈥,听SCIENCE300, 1730-1734 (2003).

S. A. Harich, D. Dai, C. C. Wang, X. Yang, S. D. Chao, and R. T. Skodje, 鈥淔orward Scattering Due to Slow-Down of the Intermediate in the H+HD-->D+H2听Reaction鈥,听NATURE听419, 281-284 (2002).

Chemical Kinetics

D. D. Y. Zhou, K. L. Han, P. Y. Zhang, L. B. Harding, M. J. Davis, and R. T. Skodje, 鈥淭heoretical Determination of the Rate Coefficient for the HO2+HO2-->H2O2+O2听Reaction: Adiabatic Treatment of Anharmonic Torsional Effects鈥,听J. Phys. Chem. A, accepted (2012).

R. T. Skodje, A. S. Tomlin, S. J. Klippenstein, L. B. Harding, and M. J. Davis, 鈥淭heoretical Validation of Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms: Combustion of Methanol鈥,听J. Phys. Chem. A.114, 8286-8301 (2010).

M. J. Davis and R. T. Skodje, 鈥淕eometrical Investigation of Low-Dimensional Manifolds in Systems Approaching Equilibrium鈥,听J. Chem. Phys.听111, 859-874 (1999).

Photochemistry, Photo-Catalysis, Water Clusters

Z. C. Kramer, K. Takahashi, and R. T. Skodje, 鈥淲ater Catalysis and Anticatalysis in Photochemical Reactions: Observation of a Delayed Threshold Effect in the Reaction Quantum Yield鈥,听J. Am. Chem. Soc. (communication)132, 15154-15157 (2010).

K. Takahashi, K. L. Plath, R. T. Skodje, V. Vaida, 鈥淒ynamics of Vibrational Overtone Excited Pyruvic Acid in the Gas Phase:听 Line Broadening Through Hydrogen-Atom Chattering鈥,听J. Phys. Chem. A112, 7321-7331 (2008).

Film Growth, Monte Carlo Simulation

D. N. Brunelli and R. T. Skodje, 鈥淭he Coarsening of Multicomponent Thin Films鈥,听Phys. Rev. B听69, 075406 (2004).