Degree DZǰ岹Code
Accounting Acct
Advertising Advert
African & Middle Eastern Studies AMESt
American Studies AmSt
Anatomy Anat
Anthropology Anth
Applied Mathematics ApMath
Applied Physics ApPhys
Architecture Arch
Art Art
Art History ArtHist
Arts & Sciences A&S
Asian Studies AsianSt
Astrophysics AstroPhys
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Atmos
Basic Science BaSci
Biology Bio
*Ecology and Evolutionary Biology EBio
*Environmental, Population & Organismic Biology EPOBio
*Molecular, Cellular Developmental Biology MCDBio
Biochemistry Biochem
Biometrics Biomet
Black Studies BlackSt
Botany Btny
Business Bus
*Accounting Acct
*Business Analytics BusAna
*Executive MBA ExecMBA
*Finance Fin
*Management Mgmt
*Marketing Mktg
*Real Estate (One-year master’s degree) MRelEst
*Transportation Management TranMgmt
*Business Administration (MS) MBA
*Business Administration (PhD) DBA
*Public Administration MPubAd
Business Education BusEdu
Central/Eastern European Studies EurSt
Chemistry Chem
Chinese Chin
Classics Class
Communication Comm
Communication Disorders & Speech Science CommDisor
Communication & Theatre CommThtr
Computer Science CompSci
Computer Science Application CompSciAp
Conservation Education ConEdu
Creative Technology and Design CTD
Creative Writing Engl
Critical Media Studies CritMediaSt
Dance Dance
Distributed Studies DistSt
East Asia Studies EAsianSt
Eastern European Affairs Eur
Economics Econ
Education Edu
Education Doctorate(pre-1990, after 1990 list PhD) EdD
Engineering Engr
*Aerospace Engineering AeroEngr
*Architectural Engineering ArchEngr
*Civil Engineering CivEngr
*Chemical Engineering ChemEngr
*Chemical and Biological Engineering ChemBioEngr
*Electrical Engineering ElEngr
*Electrical and Computer Engineering ElCompEngr
*Engineering Management EngrMgmt
*Engineering Physics EngrPhys
*Engineering Plus EngrPlus
*Environmental Engineer EnvEngr
*Integrated Design Engineering IntDesEngr
*Management Entrepreneurship MgmtEntr
*Materials Science MatSci
*Mechanical Engineer MechEngr
English Engl
English Language Engl
English Literature Engl
Environmental Conservation EnvCon
Environmental Design EnvDes
Environmental Science EnvSci
Environmental Studies EnvSt
Ethnic Studies EthnSt
Film Film
Film and Video Arts FilmVidArt
Finance Fin
Fine Arts (BA) Art
Fine Arts (MA) MFA
French Fren
Geography Geog
Geology Geol
Geophysics Geophys
German Ger
Greek Greek
History Hist
Home Economics HomeEcon
Humanities Hum
Individual Major Indiv
Information Science InfoSci
Information Systems InfSys
Integrative Physiology IntPhys
Interior Design IntDes
International Affairs IntlAf
International Business IntBus
Italian Ital
Japanese Language & Literature Jpn
Journalism Jour
*Advertising Advert
*Broadcast News Jour
*Critical Media Practices CritMedia
*Media Studies MediaSt
*News Editorial Jour
Kinesiology Kines
Latin Latin
Latin American Studies LatAmerSt
Law, Juris Doctor Law
Leadership & Community Engagement LeadCommEngmt
Linguistics Ling
Marketing Mktg
Mathematical Physics MathPhys
Mathematics Math
Medicine Doctorate MD
Medical Technician MedTech
Microbiology Micro
Museum and Field Studies MMusFieldSt
Music Mus
*Music Education MusEdu
*Masters in Music Education MMusEdu
Neuroscience Neuro
Nursing Nurs
Organization Management OrgMgmt
Paleontology Paleo
Personnel Management PerMgmt
Public Administration (MA) MPubAd
Pharmacy Pharm
Philosophy Phil
Physical Education PE
Physical Therapy PhysTher
Physics Phys
Physiology Physio
Planning & Community Development EnvDes
Political Science PolSci
Portuguese Portug
Pre-Law PreLaw
Pre-Nursing PreNurs
Pre-Medicine PreMed
Psychology Psych
Public Service PubSer
Recreation Rec
Religious Studies RelSt
Russian Russ
Slavic Language & Literature Slav
Sociology Soc
Social Science SocSci
Spanish Span
Speech & Drama SpchDr
Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences SLHSci
Speech Sciences Spch
Statistics Stat
Tech, Media and Society (ATLAS) TechMedSoc
Technology, Arts and Media TAM
Telecommunications TeleCom
Theatre Thtr
Urban Studies Urban
Women Studies WomSt
Zoology Zool
Honorary Degrees
Humanities HonDocHum
Law HonDocLaw
Science HonDocSci

Things to Note:

  • For one degree, list the degree abbreviation then an apostrophe with the year graduated. Ex: Accounting 2000 is (Acct’00).

  • If someone has two degrees, separate with a comma and put in alphabetical order Ex: a dual psychology and English 2009 major is (Engl, Psych’09)

  • For degrees that are graduate or doctorate level, an “M” or “PhD” is put in front of the degree. Ex: a master’s in English in 2009 is (MEngl’09)

  • If someone has an undergraduate and graduate degree or doctorate from CU (any campus), it is also separated with a semicolon and has either a “M” or “PhD” in front of the degree. Ex: Sociology undergraduate 2009, master’s in engineering 2011 (Soc’09; MEngr’11) or if it was a PhD in engineering (Soc’09; PhDEngr’11)

  • If someone left ſ2023¼ before graduating, annotate their degree with “ex” and the year they were expected to graduate. Ex: If a student left as a junior in 2012 with a psychology degree and was expected to graduate in 2013, annotate as (Psych ex’13)

  • If someone got their undergraduate and master’s in the same subject, don’t rewrite the degree. Rather put MA if it was a master of arts or MS if it was a master of science or PhD if it was a doctorate. For example, if someone got their undergraduate and graduate degrees in sociology two years apart, it reads like this: (Soc’09; MA’11). Or if they got their civil engineering undergraduate in 2009 and their doctorate in civil engineering in 2015, it reads (CivEngr’09; PhD’15)