澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 is committed to ensuring that our commencement and recognition ceremonies serve the diverse needs of all of our guests, such as people with disabilities and those with needs related to pregnancy and lactation. Learn about the aids and services available for these special events.

All-Gender Restrooms &聽Lactation Spaces

澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 has all-gender restrooms, family restrooms with changing stations and lactation spaces around campus. View maps of these spaces.

All-Gender Restrooms & Lactation Spaces

Communication Assistance

澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 offers auxiliary assistance and services at the commencement ceremony to enable effective communication for all. Learn how you can receive assistive listening devices and access real-time captioning and sign language interpreting.

Communication Aids

Mobility &聽Transportation Resources

Accessible transportation resources, wheelchair assistance and accessible seating are available for guests traveling to campus for commencement. Discover where you can access these resources.

Mobility & Transportation Resources

Recognition Ceremonies Accomodations聽

Many colleges, schools, departments and programs host individual recognition ceremonies after the commencement ceremony. You can request accommodations and communication assistance at least seven days before the event.

Recognition Ceremony Accomodations

Sensory Inclusivity &聽Quiet Spaces

澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录鈥檚 large graduation venues are sensory-inclusive, with trained staff and sensory bags available. Quiet spaces for sensory processing or meditation are also available around campus.

Sensory Inclusivity & Quiet Spaces

Service Animals

澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 welcomes guests and their service animals to our campus for commencement and recognition ceremonies. While not required, we recommend that service animals are identifiable by wearing a vest or harness.

Service Animals

If you have additional accessibility questions聽or require accommodations聽not covered in this list of aids and services, please contact the Commencement Office at commencement@colorado.edu. We will make all reasonable efforts to fulfill requests.聽聽