Published: May 11, 2020 By ,

Some programs and courses within the Center for Community-Based Learning and Research, CU Engage, are still accepting interested students to apply and enroll for this summer and fall 2020. This includes LEAD 4000: Leadership in Context and Emerging Challenges: A Capstone, for any students who have completed the course, LEAD 1000: Becoming a Leader, Public Achievement (EDUC: 2919 Renewing Democracy in Communities and Schools) for any undergraduate students at ſ2023¼ or another college or university and can dual enroll, INVST Community Studies for any undergraduate student at ſ2023¼ who can commit to the program for two years, and the Aquetza summer program for high school Chicano and Latino students.

LEAD 4000: Leadership in Context and Emerging Challenges: A Capstone

lead 4000 flyer

Have you been interested in the Leadership Studies Minor but not quite sure when to fit in the courses?... Have you given up on getting a Leadership Minor because it doesn't fit in your schedule? ...Or, have you been planning to complete the minor but have to take extra credits in the fall and spring to do so?

If so, we have some exciting news for you -- This summer Lead 4000, the capstone course for the Leadership Studies Minor (Leadership in Context and Emerging Challenges: A Capstone), will be offered online!

LEAD 4000 offers a vision of leadership development that focuses on students becoming ethical leaders who can foster change in the world. We emphasize the word “becoming” because this course, although intellectually rigorous, is not merely a school exercise. In addition to completing academic requirements (thought-provoking readings, lively discussions, and written papers), students practice, observe and reflect on leadership in a hands-on practicum experience.

The course focuses on three overlapping but distinct domains: (1) personal leadership development, (2) leadership theory and analysis, (3) ethical and moral leadership. Students will:

  • Evolve articulate and defend a personal leadership philosophy and identity;
  • Reflect critically and deeply on themselves in community, including social identities, assumptions about leadership, and the ways power, privilege, and oppression influence various leadership contexts;
  • Examine a wicked problem and present multiple leadership approaches to addressing the problem in contemporary society;
  • Identify and reason about ethical dilemmas that emerge in leadership practice
  • Critically engage in discussion and practice of ways to organize and move towards ethical action & moral courage.

The course will take place during A-term, June 1st - July 2nd. The lecture will meet remotely via zoom MTW 10-11:50 am, and the practicum will meet asynchronously.

Registration for this course will be available soon. Please contact Allie Van Buskirk, the course instructor, with questions or to communicate your interest in this offering at

Aquetza Summer Program

Aquetza Summer 2019

Aquetza 2020 is a free, virtual summer program that provides high school students with strong ties to Chicano/Latino communities from across Colorado with an interactive, academic enrichment experience focused on engaging Chican@/Latin@ youth in examining the history, literature, health science, and relevant social and political issues surrounding their cultural communities, through rigorous academic work in ethnic studies, writing, reading, and science. Through our programming, attendees will have opportunities to see themselves as scholars – as holders and producers of new and valuable knowledge – as well as a chance to develop the skills to become leaders in their communities.

Aquetza 2020 will operate as a virtual program that takes place in July of 2020 and runs through Friday, July 10th – Friday, July 24th 2020.

Application Deadline Extended until June 1st, 2020

Interested students can apply to Aquetza!

For further information or questions, please contact:

Public Achievement, EDUC 2919: Renewing Democracy in Communities and Schools

PA Fall Flyer

The Public Achievement (PA) program and the course EDUC 2919: Renewing Democracy in Communities and Schools is recruiting undergraduate coaches for fall 2020 and spring 2021. This course and program are for those interested in learning about education as a tool for social change and addressing social injustices in collaboration with middle and high school youth in Boulder County. Undergraduates attend a weekly on-site practicum in BVSD working with k-12 youth to address issues in racial justice, immigration, climate and environment, mental health, poverty, and others.

We have a 10 minute an overview of the course and the program and the information I would share during a class visit. that is a helpful first place for interested students to visit:

You can find more information about PA by visiting our Instagram and facebook pages (@cupublicachievement) and see the Public Achievement (PA) programwebsite. Currently, PA is sharing daily testimonies from current undergraduate about their experience doing this work across these social media platforms.

How to enroll and learn more about joining Public Achievement? Contact and to set up a 1-1 in May or June to learn more and get help enrolling.

INVST Community Studies

INVST 2020

The 2-Year INVST Program offers transformative service learning for social and environmental justice. This intensive two-year training program develops community leaders who engage in compassionate action as a lifetime commitment. Through a combination of theory, skills and community-based action for positive change, young people learn to be effective and responsible community leaders. INVST students take two theory classes, Facilitating Peaceful Community Change and People of Color and Social Movements; four skills-training classes; and two month-long Justice Summers.

INVST offer scholarships to more than half of all students, including the Dreamer Scholarship: Dreamers at CU with DACA are encouraged to apply for an award up to $2,000 to help cover tuition and life expenses.

INVST students intern off-campus with fabulous non-profits that work on immigration, economic justice, climate justice, sustainability, youth voter turnout, gender justice & organic farming, to name just a few of the many topics that we take on together.

Here is a story on INVST alumna Olivia Gardner who, after the Parkland, FL shooting, was motivated to turn people out for a huge march in Denver against gun violence.

Here is a profile of an INVST alum who started a music studio because he believes music is the one language we all speak. It has the potential to help us live together in peace on this planet.

INVST students are enthusiastic, hopeful, passionate, optimistic, active, reflective, driven critical thinkers. Are you one of us?

Apply to INVST
