Health and Safety Guideline for Construction of Temporary Structures

The following are safety issues to be considered regarding the use of Temporary Structures on campus:

  1. The structure(s) may not restrict access to, or egress from, building entrances or exits. Normally they impede pedestrian walkways or vehicle traffic.
  2. Sharp edges and points of contact must be protected, trip hazards eliminated, the potential for head bumping mitigated, and the structure must be designed or supervised to prevent people from climbing on it. Guy wires must be well marked and/or barricaded to prevent accidental contact.
  3. Construction materials, products, and debris must be controlled to prevent run-off and discharges to surface water conveyances and storm sewers.
  4. The use or presence of any hazardous, flammable or combustible materials or chemicals will need close scrutiny by EH&S, and possibly by the FM Fire Marshall.
  5. For complicated or large structures, or where significant liability may be a concern, we should bring University Risk Management (URM) into the review process.
  6. Facilities Management has its own set of "Guidelines for the Erection of a Temporary Structure on Campus" that requires the submission of detailed drawings, site plans, and specifications. FM reviews how the structure is supported and physically secured, especially when putting stakes into the ground (water lines and utilities), tying off the structure to stationary objects (potential damage), and preparing for high winds. The Facilities Management Guidelines also provide more detail about structural integrity, allowable construction materials, and set-up/tear-down procedures.
  7. Whenever there are outdoor activities, there may be potential noise issues that could disrupt campus activities. Some special events (music, demonstrations, etc.) require additional campus approvals and additional forms. In these cases, University Risk Management should be consulted.