Bylaws of the
University Colorado Boulder,
College of Engineering and Applied Science,
Engineering Advisory Council

(Adopted August 1970; Revised August 1988; Revised May 1991; Revised May 1992; Revised October 1993; Revised May 1994; Revised April 1995; Revised April 1996; Revised October 1997; Revised October 1998; Revised April 1999, Revised October 2002, Revised October 2005, Revised April 2007, Revised April 2011, Revised April 2013, Revised April 2016, Revised April 2023)


There is hereby created, adopted, and approved the following Bylaws for the 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录, College of Engineering and Applied Science, Engineering Advisory Council听

Article I

Name and Purposes

Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录, College of Engineering and Applied Science, Engineering Advisory Council,听hereinafter referred to in these Bylaws as the "EAC鈥.

Section 2. Purposes. The purposes of the EAC are: to act as an advisory body for the College of Engineering and Applied Science of the 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录, hereinafter referred to as the "College"; to advise the Dean and the college leadership team on college programs and policies; to encourage resource development through advocacy for state and federal funding, internal campus budgeting, corporate relationships, and private gifts to benefit the College through the University of Colorado Foundation; to help develop and guide the education, outreach, and research programs of the College; to recognize achievements of alumni and other supporters of the College; and to assist in publicity and public relations concerning the College.

Article II

Organization and Administration

Section 1. Number. The EAC shall consist of up to thirty-six (36) regular members as determined by the Executive Committee of the EAC and ex-officio members as deemed necessary. This number may be increased on a temporary basis to forty (40) when new members 2 are added in advance of the expiration of other members鈥 terms. Not fewer than one half of the regular members shall be alumni of the College. Included among the ex-officio members shall be the Dean and Associate and Assistant Deans of the College, including the head of the engineering advancement team.

Section 2. Manner of Selection and Term of Office. (a) Candidates for membership on the EAC shall be recommended by the Dean and approved by the Executive Committee of the EAC to serve terms of up to four (4) years. (b) The terms of office of those constituting the regular members of the EAC shall expire on June 30 of successive years, with the goal being that the terms of nine (9) members, in general, expire each year. An EAC member may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms, with exceptions requiring approval of the Executive Committee and concurrence of the Dean. Recent alumni members may also be recommended by the Dean and approved by the Executive Committee, and they have the same participation and voting privileges as regular members. EAC members who serve as Chair, Vice Chair, or Immediate Past Chair may have their terms extended to cover these periods of service if they commence with or extend beyond the two (2) consecutive terms of normal service. Past Chairs will serve as Chairs Emeriti and are invited to attend EAC meetings after their terms of office expire. Additional past members may serve as Members Emeriti upon election by the Executive Committee and be invited to attend EAC meetings as nonvoting members and be active participants in college service.

Section 3. Vacancies. In the event that a regular member of the EAC ceases to serve for any reason prior to the end of his/her term, a successor to serve the unexpired term of such member may be appointed by the Chair of the EAC with the approval of the Executive Committee, upon the recommendation of the Dean

Section 4. Meetings. The EAC shall hold two (2) regular meetings each academic year, the date, time, and place of which shall be designated by the Dean and approved by the Chair. One of the regular meetings is to be in the fall and the other in the spring. Unless otherwise designated by the Dean or Chair, meetings shall be held at the College in Boulder, Colorado. Written notice of each regular meeting shall be given to each member of the EAC at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. The Chair may call a special meeting of the EAC at any time after receiving a written request by a member of the EAC only if a majority of the EAC is polled and concurs. Written notice of each special meeting shall be given to each member of the EAC at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting and shall specify the date, time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted. The Dean shall be responsible for issuing notices of all regular and special meetings.

Section 5. Quorum. A quorum shall consist of one-half of the number of regular members of the EAC. Whenever a quorum is present, a majority vote of those members of the Board constituting the quorum shall determine all actions, except as provided in Article VI.

Section 6. Mail Vote. (鈥淢ail鈥 means any form of mail delivery, including electronic mail.) Should a meeting fail to have a quorum, the members present may record their votes and request a mail vote to be taken of those not in attendance, limiting the time for reply to not more than thirty (30) days. Upon receipt of votes by mail, the votes of those present at the meeting and the mail votes shall be tallied, and the majority of all votes cast, whether or not the total number of votes cast would constitute the vote of a quorum, shall determine all actions, excepting amendment of the Bylaws, which shall require approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the vote so cast.

Section 7. Minutes. Minutes of meetings of the EAC and of the Executive Committee shall be recorded at all meetings by a representative of the College as designated by the Dean. As soon as practical after the close of the meeting, copies of the minutes shall be distributed to all EAC members and ex-officio members of the EAC.

Section 8. Financial Support and Member Expectations. Recognizing that the EAC is a leadership council, setting an example for other alumni and supporters of the College, each member is expected to provide personal financial support to the College, to help solicit other support for the College, to be an advocate for the College, and to actively participate in the EAC meetings and other activities that advance the College. Guidelines on expectations of EAC members are included in an Appendix, which may be updated from time to time with the approval of the EAC Executive Committee.


Presiding Officer

The presiding officer shall be the Chair of the EAC, hereinafter referred to as "Chair." The Chair, as nominated by the EAC Executive Committee, shall be approved by the members of the EAC and shall serve for a period of two (2) years. A Vice Chair shall also be nominated by the EAC Executive Committee and shall be approved by the members of the EAC and serve a like term of two (2) years. The Vice Chair shall be considered "Chair Elect" and shall be the Executive Committee鈥檚 nominee for succession as Chair. The Vice Chair shall preside at the meetings of the EAC in the absence of the Chair and represent him/her at such other time and in such manner as may be designated by the Chair. In the event neither the Chair nor Vice Chair is able to preside, a member of the EAC designated by the Dean of the College shall preside.

Article IV


Section 1. There shall be two (2) standing committees, to wit: the Executive Committee and the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards Committee. There may be such additional committees as are constituted from time to time by the Executive Committee, with such functions and duties as are designated by the Dean or Chair.

Section 2. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Chair of the EAC, who shall be Chair of the Committee, the Vice Chair of the EAC, and four (4) or more other EAC members appointed by the Chair. Both the most recent EAC Chair Emeritus and the Dean of the College shall serve as ex-officio members of the Executive Committee without vote. The Executive Committee may also ask Chairs of other EAC Committees to participate in Executive Committee meetings as needed. Committee service is for one year, renewable by appointment of the Chair.

Section 3. Meetings of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet upon call of the Dean or Chair at such times and by methods as he/she may designate, including telephone conferences. In addition, the Committee shall hold meetings in conjunction with the spring and fall EAC meetings.

Section 4. Duties of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall approve candidates for membership on the EAC upon the recommendation of the Dean, shall nominate a candidate for EAC Chair, shall nominate a candidate for the EAC Vice Chair, shall perform such other duties and functions as the EAC may from time to time designate, and shall function in lieu of the EAC between the times of their meetings. The Executive Committee shall assist the Chair and the Dean鈥檚 office in the general operation of the Council and the strategic planning for the College.

Section 5. Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards (DEAA) Committee. This committee shall be composed of one representative from the College鈥檚 Administrative Council, the advancement team, the Engineering Staff Council, the Engineering Faculty Council, and one to three members from the EAC. The alumni engagement team will be responsible for organizing and facilitating the award selection committee meetings.

Section 6. Meetings and Duties of the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards Committee. The Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards Committee shall meet upon the call of the alumni engagement team each winter to review nominations received for the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards of the College and recommend nominees for such awards to be presented with the Dean鈥檚 approval at the annual spring banquet. The Committee may also review the award procedures and make recommendations to the Dean and the alumni engagement team relative to changes or improvements therein, including nominations, procedures, general criteria, and presentation arrangements.

Section 7. Other Committees. As determined by the Executive Committee and the Dean, other committees may be formed. Membership on any such committees shall be determined by the Chair and the Dean of the College, but members of the EAC can request specific membership.

Time shall be scheduled at EAC meetings for such committees to meet and then report to the entire Council at or after the meetings. The committees may work on committee assignments between Council meetings and participate in telephone conferences. The committees shall define specific agendas and shall select the next committee chair at the conclusion of the spring EAC meeting.

Article V

Other Activities and Reports

Section 1. Other Activities. All activities of the EAC shall either be approved by the Executive Committee or the full EAC.

Article VI


These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the EAC provided written notice of the contemplated amendment or amendments, giving the substance thereof, shall have been mailed to the members of the EAC at least thirty (30) days prior to when the amendment or amendments are presented for vote, whether at a meeting or by mail. Whenever a quorum is present, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members of the EAC constituting the quorum shall be necessary to approve the proposed amendment or amendments, which shall become effective thereupon. If a quorum is not present at the meeting, the provisions of Article II, Section 6, may be followed. These Bylaws may also be amended by unanimous consent given in writing or by mail by the members of the EAC.

Appendix 鈥 Expectations for Members of the Engineering Advisory Council 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录

As noted in its bylaws, the purposes of the Engineering Advisory Council (EAC) are: to act as an advisory body for the College of Engineering and Applied Science of the 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录, hereinafter referred to as the "College"; to advise the Dean and the college leadership team on college programs and policies; to encourage resource development through advocacy for state and federal funding, internal campus budgeting, corporate relationships, and private gifts to benefit the College through the University of Colorado Foundation; to help develop and guide the education, outreach, and research programs of the College; to recognize achievements of alumni and other supporters of the College; and to assist in publicity and public relations concerning the College.

To meet these purposes and to advance the mission, vision, and values of the College of Engineering and Applied Science, the expectations of EAC members are to:

  1. Attend the two regular meetings of the EAC each academic year, or inform the Dean for the occasional meeting when attendance is not possible;
  2. Be an active participant in one or more of the EAC subcommittees, including teleconferences, meetings, or other activities held between the regular meetings;
  3. Provide personal philanthropic support, setting a leadership example for all alumni of the College, at a level of at least $2500 per year, or $10,000 over each four-year term, to college programs/purposes; the $2500 per year total should include membership in the Dean鈥檚 Club with a minimum donation of $1000 per year to the College of Engineering and Applied Science Dean鈥檚 Fund for Excellence, with the rest to a fund of the member鈥檚 choice; rare exceptions to the minimum giving level may be made for recent alumni members, non-alumni members from nonprofit organizations, and/or those better positioned to 鈥済et鈥 than 鈥済ive鈥 major support;
  4. Serve as a strong advocate for the 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 and its College of Engineering and Applied Science, by helping to raise funds and participating in or hosting college activities, when feasible, such as alumni, recruiting, student, and fundraising events;
  5. Suggest or nominate candidates for college or university awards or membership on the EAC or other boards associated with the College or CU, or for other activities to advance the College;
  6. Pay their own expenses to attend EAC meetings and other college activities; and
  7. Serve as positive role models through interaction with students, such as mentoring individual students, speaking in classes or at student events, or hosting student interns or projects.