Assistant Teaching Professor Jared Bahir Browsh
Assistant Teaching Professor
Critical Sports Studies

Pronouns: they / him


Ph.D., Communication, 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录, 2018
M.A.,听Broadcasting, Telecommunications, and Mass Media, Temple University, 2017
B.A., Communication, University of Pennsylvania, minors in Classical Studies & Sociology, 2007

Research Interests

Mass Communication, Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, Critical Sports Studies, Policy, Economics, History

Dr. Browsh specializes in issues connected to political economics of the media, particularly as it pertains to the media system in the United States throughout history. He also examines issues of representation connected to ownership and policy in popular culture, particularly in sports, television and animated content. His current focus is representations of race, gender, sexuality, and disability on television and in sports coverage.

Selected Interviews

Browsh, Jared Bahir.听Race and Ethnicity in Hanna Barbera,听, June 17, 2022

Selected Publications


Browsh, Jared Bahir.听, (McFarland Press: 2021).

Articles/Book Chapters

Browsh, Jared Bahir. 鈥淐apitalization in a Half-Shell: Multimedia, Cross-Demographic Marketing of Animated and Comic Content鈥 in Animated Mischief: 30 years of Cartoon Subversion edited by Brian Duchaney and David Silverman, (McFarland Press: 2022).

Browsh, Jared Bahir. 鈥淭aking Our Ball and Staying Home: Nationalistic Exceptionalism in US Sports Broadcasting鈥 in听Athlete as a National Symbol: Politics, Protest, and Sport, edited by Nicholas Villanueva, (McFarland Press, 2020).

Browsh, Jared Bahir. 鈥淣umber One in the Hood, G鈥: How Hip Hop Helped Adult Swim Get to the Top,鈥 Southwestern Educational Council for听Journalism and Mass Communication, Southwestern Mass Communication Journal,听Spring 2019.