Infrastructure and Resilience will be hosting our winter employee appreciation luncheon on Thursday, January 23, 2025.Ìý As part of our event, we will be announcing our employee annual award winners.ÌýIf you have noticed I&R employee(s) working to make the campus a better place to work, study, or visit, please consider submitting a nomination for one of several awards described below.ÌýIndividual staff winners will receive a plaque and a gift card. Student winners will receive a certificate and a gift card.ÌýTeam winners will receive a group meal or a party.

If you have any questions about the program please contact Kerry Howard atÌý

Nominations are due by 5pm on Friday, November 1.

The recipient’s achievement may fall into any of the following categories:

Excellence in Customer Service Award

  • Outstanding diligence, communication and/or follow-up helping customer(s)
  • Consistently positive attitude in working with customer(s)
  • Specific, positive feedback received from customer(s)

Excellence in Leadership Award

  • Communication with staff and customers that demonstrates vision and technical excellence
  • Behavior that exemplifies pride in service and relationships with customers
  • Behavior that inspires others by communicating ideals on performance standards, etc.
  • Creation/implementation of training and development opportunities for staff
  • Implementation of exceptional process improvements within the work unit
  • Excellent communication, coaching and feedback to staff

Sustainability and Environmental Awareness Award

Promotes projects that lead the way to a more sustainable future through

  • Energy efficiency/conservation
  • Alternative Transportation
  • Waste reduction/recycle/compost
  • Green building elements (LEEDS)
  • Community/Campus engagement in sustainability

Unsung Hero

  • Positive behind-the-scenes contributions that may not be recognized by other formal awards or categories
  • Unselfish with time/expertise
  • May be a behind-the-scenes mentor
  • Consistently extends a helping hand for committees and unit projects
  • Performs tasks beyond normal job duties that are not widely recognized yet provide substantive contribution to I&S
  • Often stays behind the scenes without calling personal attention to themselves, but rather for their work unit or cause to be recognized

Teamwork Award (Nominate full team)

  • Outstanding team or work unit accomplishment 
  • Exceptional team relationships and communication that led to significant outcomes
  • Team efforts that make the process fun
  • Extraordinary team efforts, demonstrating customer service and creativity
  • Extraordinary efforts to help others achieve their goals

Outstanding Student Award 

  • Exceptional work record
  • Suggestion and/or implementation of a money and/or time-saving solution.

Excellence in Safety Award

  • Outstanding safety record, without accidents
  • Creation and implementation of a new idea in policy or procedure regarding safety
  • Active role in training others on safety issues

Excellence in DEI Award

  • Demonstrate dedication and continuing commitment to advocating for diversity, equity and inclusion in their workplace
  • Created a welcoming and supportive climate through efforts such as visibility, communication and education
  • The ability to value and respect diverse points of view and varied ways to approach issues and topics
  • Leads others by their actions while advocating for change