Spring game

This year’s football season is expected to be bigger than ever. If you’re planning to attend, here are some tips to help you and your friends stay safe. 

1. Nail down your plans 

Who’s in your group? Identify who you want to go to events with, and make sure everyone is on the same page about where you plan to go before, during and after. It’s best to choose a group of friends that you know will take care of each other in case something happens. 

Stick together. Make a commitment to stick together and agree on how you will meet back up if you get separated. This can decrease the chances that someone in your group will have to rely on lesser-known friends or strangers to get home.  

Check in with each other. It’s also important to establish a way to check in with each other throughout the day, night or weekend. Consider starting a group chat so you can communicate with each other in case someone needs help. You’ll also want to make sure that everyone has their sound on, so they don’t miss any important notifications from the group.  

Share your location. Finally, make sure everyone knows where you’re all going. Google and Apple Maps are a great way to make sure everyone ends up where they’re supposed to be. If you do get separated in a crowd, try sending a pin to the group with your location. You can also use features like “share my location.” Just remember to turn it off later if you want to stop sharing access. Finally, if plans change, make sure everyone knows and agrees on what you’re going to do.  

2. Look out for each other 

If you or your friends plan to drink (or use other substances), make a commitment to watch out for each other and keep each other accountable. It can be helpful to set a limit before you go out, so your friends know when they may need to step in. In fact, 91% of students find it acceptable to let a friend know when they’ve had too much to drink.  

You may also want to discourage each other from embarrassing or dangerous things at parties or events. For instance, if someone wants to crowd surf or ‘table smash,’ you may want to redirect them into a different activity. Similarly, if someone has drunk too much, it’s likely time to switch out their drinks for water or help them get home. 

3. Know your out 

Create a code word, sign or text emoji that means ‘get me out of this situation!’ Proactively keep an eye out for suspicious situations, especially if someone is intoxicated and may not be able to communicate their discomfort with the group.   

This can include things like someone pursuing one of your friends in an unwanted or predatory way. Watch for people who hit on the drunkest person, encourage others to drink, try to get a drunk person alone or away from their friends or are persistent about pursuing someone sexually.  

If you see someone in a potentially harmful or high-risk situation, you can do something to intervene. Bystanders are particularly important in situations where someone is being targeted because of their level of intoxication, or if a person has been intentionally drugged at a party. Remember that impaired or incapacitated people are usually unable to protect or advocate for themselves. 

4. Get home safe 

Make sure everyone gets home safely.   

Commit to not ditching someone if they have too much to drink or become unwilling to stick with your plans to stay together. Consider whether someone offering to walk a person home or look after someone who has had too much to drink is being helpful and trustworthy or is potentially looking for access to someone who is vulnerable.  

Never leave someone behind with casual friends, people you just met or don’t know very well, especially when someone has been drinking or using other substances. 


Here are a few campus resources you can take advantage of before, during and after Black and Gold Weekend. 

CU NightRide

Looking for a ride home? Give CU NightRide a try! This student-operated program provides free night-time transportation for all ſ2023¼ students, staff and faculty. 

Free naloxone

Naloxone is an FDA-approved nasal spray that can be used to temporarily reverse opioid overdoses. Students can pick up naloxone for free on the third floor of Wardenburg Health Center.  

Party smart

Knowing how to party smart can help keep you and your friends safe. Check out these tips to keep yourself and your friends safe if you plan to host or attend parties at CU.  

Office of Victim Assistance (OVA)

OVA provides free, confidential counseling, advocacy, information and referrals for students, staff and faculty. They specialize in addressing current, past, experienced and witnessed traumatic events, including sexual assault, violence, crime and more.

Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)

CAPS provides a variety of mental health services and consultation for all students. If you’re worried about a friend or need urgent/crisis support, call 303-492-2277 (24/7) to talk with a mental health professional.

Collegiate Recovery Community (CUCRC)

The CUCRC provides community, support and connection for students, faculty and staff in recovery or seeking recovery from a wide range of behaviors, including substance use, gambling, eating concerns, self-harm and more.