Published: July 19, 2023

The legendary designer, innovator and futurist Richard Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller, spoke at the University of Colorado鈥檚 1956 Conference on World Affairs.听

He then donated a signed copy of his famous "Dymaxion Airocean World鈥 map print to 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录, in gratitude for the university鈥檚 hospitality during the conference. That map currently resides in the University Libraries Rare & Distinctive Collections (RaD).

Fuller and Higman and Fuller's signature on the Map Library's Dymaxion Map

鈥淭he Dymaxion Airocean World鈥 map is an important item to both our map collection and the archives of the Conference of World Affairs because it places this important figure in American design and innovation at one of the university鈥檚 signature events early in its history,鈥 said Kate Tallman, assistant professor and interim lead for RaD. 鈥淔uller returned many times to the Conference of World Affairs and we have in the many and other historical items.鈥

Fuller was an architect, systems theorist, designer, inventor, philosopher, writer and futurist. He coined the term geodesic and is in the United States. Fuller spent his long career focused on 鈥榓lleviating the maximum of human problems with the minimum of material resources.鈥

Fuller and Sadao

His Dymaxion Map projection was one such endeavor. Fuller believed that the maps in current use tend to emphasize continental isolation. This causes humanity to 鈥渁ppear inherently disassociated, remote, self-interestedly preoccupied with the political concept of 鈥榠ts got to be you or me; there is not enough for both,鈥' states the . Fuller鈥檚 map projection was designed to counter that perception by illustrating the continents as radiating from a unified point. This signified that humanity moved together through space, unified with similar problems and similar potential. He called this concept, Spaceship Earth. It took decades to complete, and Fuller relied on aid from one of his graduate students, Shoji Sadao, to finish the project.

An image of the Dymaxion Map

In contrast, the more familiar (developed in 1569 by Gerardus Mercator) is a cylindrical projection. While there is only a slight distortion of the continents at the equator, the distortion expands with increasing latitude and enlarges the sizes of Greenland, Antarctica, Canada and Russia.

An image of Mercator and his map projection

Graphic design 听by 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 Libraries Communications

Explore map projections

The Map Library has books on projection such as and both by the . These books include many types of mathematical projection formulas in addition to representations of how these formulas produce the projections.

鈥淭he process of projecting a globe into a flat map will distort shape, size, direction or distance, in varying amounts. For example, some projections preserve accurate land area at the expense of land shapes. A projection is chosen depending on the purpose of a map, so there鈥檚 a chance biases will be reinforced by the resulting distortions,鈥 said Naomi Heiser, map curator and metadata projects manager. 鈥淣o matter the projection, it鈥檚 typical that world maps are oriented with north as 鈥榰p.鈥 But, if you live in the southern hemisphere and want your part of the world to be central, there鈥檚 no reason a map can鈥檛 be oriented 鈥榰pside-down鈥.鈥

An upside down map

"What's up? South!" world map, ODT Inc., 2015, from the Map Library collection.

The Waterman Butterfly projection below inspired one of , which have traditionally been based on the Mercator projection.

Waterman's Projection and Bassin's artwork.

Detail Waterman (left) Bassin (Right)

Learning about projections from Geography Professor Sarah Kelly, Bassin was inspired to produce a global map made of collaged butterfly silhouettes for the No Boundaries show currently showing at the Map Library. In her artist鈥檚 statement, Bassin said, 鈥淐hoosing a map projection is a challenge for cartographers鈥very map has some sort of biases and distortion.鈥

Browse the Map Collection

The Earth Sciences & Map Library in the Benson Earth Sciences building is open Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you would like to use maps as a primary source in your next creative or scholarly project contact to schedule an appointment with librarians Ilene Raynes and Naomi Heiser.

Start your own journey with maps

Browsing the听map collection听is highly encouraged!

If you would like to use maps as a primary source in your next creative or scholarly project:

  • 颁辞苍迟补肠迟听rad@colorado.edu听to schedule an appointment, or
  • Drop by Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. to find map librarians Ilene Raynes and Naomi Heiser.

World of Printed Maps

The World of Printed Maps is a regular feature that showcases the physical maps collection in the听Earth Sciences听& Map Library.听