
Welcome to the Musicians’ Wellness Program (MWP) at the ſ2023¼ College of Music!Learn how to apply powerful somatic methodologies that improve physical functioning and overall wellness, from performance psychology and effective exercise to breathing, hearing, vocal health and more.

Our services

The MWP strives toincreaseproficiency,preventinjury and help students reach their goals through somatic training, psychotherapy,health-related information and a medical support network. As such, the MWP provides essential assistance to injured students with the goals of returning them to full functioning and preventing further injury, and guiding them to resources including local medical professionals trained in the special needs of musicians.

The MWP also partners with ſ2023¼ Counseling Services: The College of Music’s embedded therapist has wide-ranging experience in many aspects of emotional health that frequently affect musicians, including performance anxiety. Individual and group sessions further address mental health and psychiatric services for a variety of students’ needs.

Wellness for musicians classes with James Brody

In these classes, we explore strategies that help musicians maintain optimal health while achieving peak performance. You will learn to employ powerful somatic methodologies—including Alexander Technique and Body Mapping—that improve physical functioning and prevent injury. A variety of wellness aspects are also included, such as performance psychology, mental health, effective exercise, nutrition, breathing, hearing and vocal health.

Alexander Technique lessons + consultations with James Brody

James Brody offers one-on-one consultations and lessons with students who are experiencing difficulty in music makingdue to misuse, injury, anxiety or physical tension. Email JamesBrodyor ask your teacher to set up a consultation at which your teacher may be present, if you wish.

Annual Summer Alexander Technique Program

Every July, the MWP hosts a week-long Alexander Technique course.This experience includes significant aspects of the Alexander Technique, Body Mapping, movement, mindfulness and psychology—all in the service of inclusive well-being. MORE

Mental health services

Counseling + Psychiatric Services (CAPS)offers confidential, on-campus mental health and psychiatric services for a variety of students’ needs. Students who have paid the mental health feeare eligible to work with CAPS providers, including 24/7 phone support.

Matthew Tomatzis the College of Music’sembedded therapistfrom CAPS. He has wide-rangingexperience in manyaspects of emotional health that frequently affect musicians, including performance anxiety and emotional blocks to success. For individual counseling,contact Matt at Matthew.Tomatz@colorado.eduor through the CAPS main office, 303-492-6766.

Meetings with Mattprovides opportunities for informal and confidential consultation in our wellness space (S303). This service is free and open to students, facultyand staff. Topics of conversation could be related to performance, time management, procrastination, how life and performance intersect, getting through the year, making choices, learning about therapy ... or just to talk:Wednesdays, 3:30-4:45p.m. inS303.

Developing the Whole Musicianwith Matt Tomatz is a unique learning environment and powerful group process. Participation helps students make important personal discoveries while supporting their growth as musicians. Questions? Contact Matt,