What is Restorative Justice?

Restorative Justice helps to address the relationship between victims, offenders聽and the community in a way that repairs the impacts of an incident, holds the offender accountable for their actions聽and builds community. The Restorative Justice Program (CURJ) engages in a restorative process and response by employing five main principles: respect, repair, reintegration, responsibility聽and relationship.

CURJ works with the Boulder courts and student conduct process to provide an alternative restorative approach to incidents of harm within the 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 community. While the traditional justice system aims to answer which laws were broken, who broke the law and how聽the person be punished, CURJ determines who has been harmed, what harm or impact聽was caused, and what can be done to repair that impact to the greatest extent possible.