Published: Sept. 7, 2012

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar will address the role of public lands in American life at the 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 on Sept. 13 as part of a conference commemorating the 200th anniversary of the General Land Office.

Salazar鈥檚 talk is part of a conference titled 鈥淭he Nation Possessed:鈥═he Conflicting Claims on America鈥檚 Public Lands鈥 being held at CU-Boulder Sept. 11-14. The conference is sponsored by the Center of the American West and the Public Lands Foundation.

鈥淚t is a great privilege to host the Secretary of the Interior, along with many other distinguished public servants and influential Western figures,鈥 said Professor Patty Limerick, faculty director of the Center of the American West. 鈥淭his is truly a 鈥榖e there or be square鈥 kind of event; for instance, the session at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday -- 鈥楤urning Man Meets Managing Man,鈥 on the relationship between the Burning Man Festival and the Bureau of Land Management -- cannot be missed.鈥

Salazar鈥檚 talk is open only to conference attendees, and people may register for the conference on site at the University Memorial Center鈥檚 Glenn Miller Ballroom on Sept. 12 starting at 10 a.m. But several other events are free and open to the public, including two evening events:

-- On Sept. 12, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the UMC鈥檚 Glenn Miller Ballroom, a former director of the Bureau of Land Management, Bob Abbey, will be interviewed by Timothy Egan, an author and writer for The New York Times.

-- On Sept. 13, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the UMC鈥檚 Glenn Miller Ballroom, actors Clay Jenkinson and Bryce Townsend will present 鈥淭he Public Domain and the Public Lands: 1812, 1912, 2112鈥≧e-enactment/Pre-enactment Event with Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and a Visitor from the Future.鈥

A complete schedule of conference events is available at . For information on the CU-Boulder Center of the American West call 303-492-4879 or visit .

Patty Limerick, Center of the American West, 303-492-4879
Kurt Gutjahr, Center of the American West, 303-492-6120
Peter Caughey, CU media relations, 303-492-4007

Ken Salazar

鈥淚t is a great privilege to host the Secretary of the Interior, along with many other distinguished public servants and influential Western figures,鈥 said Professor Patty Limerick, faculty director of the Center of the American West. 鈥淭his is truly a 鈥榖e there or be square鈥 kind of event; for instance, the session at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday -- 鈥楤urning Man Meets Managing Man,鈥 on the relationship between the Burning Man Festival and the Bureau of Land Management -- cannot be missed.鈥