Published: Oct. 30, 2018 By
Jack Schmitt speaks to a class of 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 students

Harrison "Jack" Schmitt, a former NASA astronaut, points to a photograph of reddish-orange lunar soil that he took during his trip to the moon in 1972. (Credit: Casey Cass/澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录)

Harrison SchmittHarrison Schmitt collects geologic samples from the surface of the moon using a "lunar rake."/

From top to bottom: Astronaut Harrison Schmitt, photographed before the Apollo 17 mission; Schmitt collects geologic samples from the surface of the moon using a "lunar rake"; Schmitt (second from right) joins fellow astronaut Peggy Whitson (right) as President Trump signs a directive instructing NASA to return to the moon.听(Credits: NASA, NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)

Harrison 鈥淛ack鈥 Schmitt, an Apollo-era astronaut and the last person to set foot on the moon, recently gave a group of 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 students the chance to see something rare: color on the lunar surface.

Schmitt, who flew on Apollo 17 in 1972, visited the university Monday. He spoke to an undergraduate class focusing on space science and policy and later delivered a public talk at the Fiske Planetarium. You of Schmitt's talk online.

The glimpse of color came from a photograph that had been recreated from negatives that Schmitt snapped during his 3-day trek on the lunar surface. It showed a reddish-orange streak of lunar soil that Schmitt, a Harvard-trained geologist, explained was made up of tiny glass beads created during a 3.5 billion-year-old volcanic eruption.听

鈥淚 just thought you鈥檇 like to see color on the moon,鈥 Schmitt told the roughly two-dozen students in the class.

The former astronaut, now 83, used the opportunity to encourage 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 students to take part in the future of NASA鈥攁nd in the agency鈥檚 renewed drive to explore Earth鈥檚 only satellite.听

鈥淲hat do people like you bring?鈥 Schmitt said. 鈥淵ou bring imagination. You bring stamina, and you haven鈥檛 learned how to fail yet.鈥

The students jumped at the chance to hear from an Apollo astronaut. Amanda Alexander studies astronomy and geology and works in a lab at 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 that examines Martian regolith, the loose material that sits on the surface of parts of Earth and other planets. She asked Schmitt what the moon鈥檚 dusty ground felt like under his boots. His answer: 鈥淚t鈥檚 like damp beach sand.鈥

鈥淚t鈥檚 just invaluable insight [from] somebody who鈥檚 been on another world,鈥 Alexander said. 鈥淭o actually ask about that experience, especially the regolith which I asked about, was amazing.鈥

The future of space travel

Schmitt was invited to 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 by Jack Burns, a professor in the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences who teaches the space science course.听

The astronaut, Burns said, offered a unique perspective on the future of space travel in the United States. Schmitt, who earned a Ph.D. in geology in 1964, is the only scientist to visit the moon. He also served as a U.S. senator for New Mexico from 1976-1982 and is still active in advising space policy today. He was present in 2017 when President Trump signed a directive instructing NASA to return to the moon.听

鈥淒r. Schmitt brought a unique perspective on space exploration and space science to our students as the last man to have stepped on the moon 46 years ago,鈥 said Burns, also the Vice President Emeritus for Academic Affairs and Research for the CU System. 鈥淎s we look forward to new missions to the lunar surface, as NASA has been directed to do by the president, Dr. Schmitt brought us lessons learned from Apollo and also how today鈥檚 advanced technologies will make the moon more accessible.鈥

Schmitt spoke to Burns鈥 class about the importance of securing stable funding for NASA and said that the agency needs to recruit talented people who aren鈥檛 afraid to take risks.

鈥淭he agency has to get young again,鈥 Schmitt said.

澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 has played a critical role in ongoing efforts to conduct research on and around the moon. Scientists at the (LASP), for example, led research using a NASA satellite that discovered that the moon is surrounded by an ever-present cloud of dust.听

NASA also recently gave funding to Burns and his colleagues to design a small satellite that would circle the moon to peer at an age of the universe before the first stars formed.

Later in the day, Schmitt spoke to a packed house at the Fiske Planetarium, where he shared stories about the life of an Apollo astronaut. That included duct tape鈥斺渨e had a nice big roll of it on the spacecraft,鈥 Schmitt said鈥攁nd the food that astronauts wouldn鈥檛 touch, like salmon salad.

Near the end of his talk, Schmitt showed the audience a photo, taken using a remote camera, of Apollo 17鈥檚 lander blasting off from the moon. Schmitt said that the mission鈥檚 commander, Eugene Cernan, had joked with him, asking why he hadn鈥檛 gotten out to take a better photo of the liftoff.听

鈥淪omeday, some of you maybe in this room are going to be up there,鈥 Schmitt told the audience at Fiske. 鈥淎nd you really will get a really good picture of liftoff.鈥