Published: Nov. 16, 2018

Get up to speed on approaching deadlines for graduate student funding, research programs and more, as well as academic deadlines for students planning to graduate in December.

Student walks across campus with fall colors in backgroundApplication deadline

Nov. 21: Provost鈥檚 Fellowship in Information Science听

For graduate students interested in understanding the expanding roles of libraries and librarians in the evolving information ecosystem,听apply for the听Provost鈥檚 Fellowship in Information Science at University Libraries.听Fellows are awarded $3,000 for 150 hours to develop a project with library faculty.

Dec. 3: Women鈥檚 Leadership Symposium

Submit a program听for听spring 2019听Women鈥檚 Leadership Symposium, which seeks to explore a variety of ways women/women-identified individuals build their leadership skills and feel empowered to become tomorrow鈥檚 leaders.

Jan. 8: Chateaubriand Fellowship Applications

The support outstanding PhD听students interested in conducting research in France for four to nine months in two areas:

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Biology-Health (STEM)
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)听

Jan. 11: Open Space and Mountain Parks Funded Research Program, RFP

City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Department (OSMP) has an on OSMP lands. The maximum award amount is $10,000.

More for grad students this month: Trainings and events

From Career Services workshops and media relations training to Nerd Night and coffee hour, see what's going on for graduate students this month.

Deadlines for December graduates

Nov. 20: Doctoral听dissertation submission

Doctoral students must have a by this deadline to graduate in December.听

Nov. 21: Master鈥檚 thesis defense/final exam

Master's students must by this date in order to graduate in December.听

Nov. 26: Grade changes for doctoral students

Doctoral students who have any must resolve those grades by this date in order to graduate in December.

Nov. 28: Master鈥檚 thesis submission deadline

Master's thesis plan students must have a by this deadline to graduate in December.听

Dec. 3: Grade changes for master鈥檚 students

Master's students who have听 must resolve those grades by this date in order to graduate in December.