Published: July 30, 2020

Upcoming events of particular interest to graduate students include a creative writing and academic jargon workshop and the August writing retreat. Get details.

Friday, July 31

Noon to 1 p.m.Ìý Virtual event
Finding yourself bored by academic conventions? In this interactive webinar, Sarah Tynen will introduce writing prompts and tools to engage with creative writing. Experiment with tools from writers on how to use principles from creative fiction and non-fiction writiers alike to make writing a more creative and pleasurable activity.Ìý

Monday, Aug. 10

Aug. 10–13ÌýÌý by Aug.Ìý3Ìý Virtual event
Join other graduate students for a writing retreat that will provide the time and community needed to finish that final push on your writing before the semester begins. A writing consultant from the Writing Center will also be available for one-on-one meetings to workshop papers and chapters of dissertations and theses.