Published: April 7, 2022 By

Banner image: A nearby, young megamaser as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. (Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA)

Megamasers are the Bat-Signals of the cosmos鈥攂orne out of the collision between two galaxies, such as听the Milky Way, these astronomical beacons shoot beams of microwave radiation far into space, not unlike spotlights shining on a city skyline.听

Now, an international team of researchers led out of South Africa, and including astrophysicists at 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录, have spotted the oldest megamaser known to science. Clocking in at roughly 5.4 billion-years-old, the discovery brings scientists closer to understanding the rough-and-tumble early years of the cosmos鈥攚hen the first galaxies crashed into each other often and with tremendous pyrotechnics.听

鈥淢egamasers emerge out of maximal chaos,鈥 said Hayley Roberts, a graduate student in the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Science (APS) at 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 and coauthor of the new research.

She and her colleagues will in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

The research homes in on a mysterious cosmic phenomenon. Study coauthor Jeremy Darling explained when two galaxies merge into one, they concentrate and excite hydroxyl, or 鈥淥H,鈥 molecules. The heat and pressure from these gases generate radiation that isn鈥檛 visible to the human eye but behaves a lot like laser light (hence 鈥渕aser,鈥 short for 鈥渕icrowave laser鈥). And they鈥檙e powerful: Hydroxyl megamasers are at least one million times brighter than any similar听sources of radiation in the Milky Way. 听 听听

One of 64 antennas in the MeerKAT Array

One of 64 antennas in the MeerKAT Array. (Credit: via )

鈥淭here鈥檚 a huge amount of gas and dust that鈥檚 being thrown down into the center of these merging galaxies,鈥 said Darling, a professor in APS. 鈥淲hat you wind up with are extremely opaque regions of space where new stars are forming.鈥

To find this particular spotlight, the scientists turned to the MeerKAT Array鈥攁 collection of 64 radio antennas that scan the sky from the Karoo region of South Africa. The research was led by a partnership spanning 13 countries called Looking at the Distant Universe Using the MeerKAT Array (LADUMA).

The researchers nicknamed their find, also one of the most powerful megamasers ever recorded, 鈥淣kalakatha鈥 after the isiZulu word for 鈥渂ig boss.鈥

And they鈥檙e just getting started, Roberts said. As MeerKAT continues to peer at the universe, it will travel further back in time, potentially detecting megamasers more than 10 billion years old.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 what鈥檚 so exciting,鈥 she said. 鈥淲e鈥檙e on the cusp of a brand-new era of astronomy.鈥

The big boss

Nkalakatha may be bright, but that didn鈥檛 make it easy to locate, Roberts added.

She explained that scientists have discovered more than 100 megamasers to date, but they鈥檙e relatively young, or only a few billion years old.听

And, it turns out, age makes a difference. Microwave radiation from Nkalakatha has been traveling through space for longer than Earth鈥檚 solar system has existed. During that time, the universe itself has expanded, causing the light from the megamaser to stretch out鈥攁 bit like how a siren will sound distorted when an ambulance is driving away from you.听

Because of all that stretching, scientists have trouble distinguishing the light from ancient megamasers from other, more mundane objects in the universe.听

鈥淚t鈥檚 a needle in a haystack situation where we鈥檙e looking through millions of data points for faint signals from distant galaxies,鈥 Darling said.

That鈥檚 where Roberts came in. The graduate student worked with her colleagues to design a machine learning algorithm that automatically sifts through MeerKAT data鈥攕earching for the unique signals of OH megamasers.

So far, the algorithm has been a success, locating one big needle: Nkalakatha. 听 听 听 听 听

Roberts added, scientists can learn a lot about the evolution of galaxies from megamasers, such as how new galaxies can form from the merging of others. Megamasers, she said, may emerge out of chaos, but they鈥檙e also a sign of creation. As gas and dust fall toward the centers of merging galaxies, they begin to crush together to make millions of new stars.

鈥淭hese are the most extreme star-forming regions in the universe,鈥 Roberts said. 鈥淭he OH megamasers are pointing us to where that is happening.鈥

She and Darling, for their part, are eager to continue searching the sky for these unusual spotlights.听

鈥淲e feel extremely fortunate to be able to take part in this science happening in South Africa,鈥 Darling said.