residential neighborhood in Boulder

Things to know before you move into a new place

May 26, 2023

Are you moving into a new home or apartment? Here are some key tips from Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations for a successful move.

A food pantry with boxed goods.

The Basic Needs Center can connect you directly to SNAP

May 23, 2023

The Basic Needs Center can now directly enroll students in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in partnership with Hunger Free Colorado. To qualify, students must be between the ages of 18 and 49, identify as full-time students and meet other eligibility requirements.

Pearl Street in Boulder.

5 tips for living in Boulder this summer

May 15, 2023

Boulder has a lot to offer in the summer, from free events and entertainment to great food and beautiful views. Whether you’re in Boulder for the first time this summer or have been in town for a while, here are some tips for making the most of the season.

Flowers in front of the °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±½á¹û2023¿ª½±¼Ç¼ entrance sign

Take advantage of your time this summer

May 9, 2023

After a year of hard work, summer can be a great time to recharge and catch up on things that may have fallen through the cracks during the school year.

CU cheerleaders in black in gold

Get ready for Black and Gold Day April 22

April 14, 2023

Show off your Buff pride during Black and Gold Day on Saturday, April 22. Whether you’ll be on campus, attending a watch party or cheering from home, here are some tips to get ready for the day.

Students eating in one of the campus dining halls

Dining hall hacks for finals snacks

April 14, 2023

Studying for finals takes energy! Whether you crave a sweet treat or need nutritious fuel for a long study session, you can find creative study snacks at campus dining locations.

students studying outside

5 ways to finish the semester strong

April 11, 2023

With the end of the year in sight, staying motivated and focused on academics can be challenging. But you want your hard work this semester to pay off. Here are some tips to maintain momentum and finish the semester strong.

A Journey Leader tables at a Fall Welcome event

Tips for planning Fall Welcome events, programs

March 30, 2023

Campus departments are invited to plan and submit programs, events and opportunities to be included in the 2023 Fall Welcome schedule. Here are some tips to help faculty and staff plan for Fall Welcome.

west entrance to Norlin Library

Meet the 2023 CUSG spring election candidates

March 21, 2023

The CU Student Government election kicks off right after spring break. There are four candidates running for the position of representative-at-large and two tickets running for the positions of tri-executive, each with their own initiatives, plans and passions. Learn more about your CUSG candidates and make a plan to vote the week of April 3.

The Connection bowling alley

Perks, services and resources for faculty and staff

March 7, 2023

In addition to providing a variety of resources and support for students, many departments within the Division of Student Affairs have services available for faculty and staff.
