Cable Television Pioneer Makes Half-Million Dollar Gift To CU Law Scholarship Fund

April 11, 1999

Cable television pioneer Bill Daniels is donating $500,000 to the University of Colorado at Boulder School of Law to establish a scholarship endowment fund. Income from the fund will be used to assist law students who demonstrate a financial need and who have a "commitment to public service." Daniels made the gift in the name of Gene Nichol, CU law professor and former dean of the law school, whom Daniels has long admired.

Professor Keith Basso To Lecture

April 11, 1999

Keith Basso, professor of anthropology at the University of New Mexico, will give a lecture titled "Apache Landscapes and the Oldest Man in Show Low," on Monday, April 26th. The talk will be at 5 p.m. in Old Main Chapel on the University of Colorado at Boulder campus. Basso plans to address how and why people form attachments to places. He also will compare the sense of place of American Indians with those of other residents of a nearby community in central Arizona. The talk is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the Center of the American West.

Oyate Student Group To Host Pow-Wow On April 17 And 18

April 8, 1999

More than 2,000 American Indians and First Nation Peoples from tribes in the United States and Canada will rendezvous at the University of Colorado at Boulder on April 17 and 18 for the third annual "Red Nations Cultural Unity Celebration Contest Pow-Wow." Pow-wow events will be held in the Coors/Events Conference Center.

America's Most Powerful Centrifuge Testing Dam Safety At CU-Boulder

April 8, 1999

In the basement of CU-BoulderÂ’s College of Engineering and Applied Science, a monstrous centrifuge sporting an 80,000-pound swinging arm and a box to tote hefty payloads whirls a miniature earthen dam at 200 miles per hour.

CU Professor's Book Exposes Weaknesses Of American Legal System

April 7, 1999

Rodney King, O.J. Simpson, Louise Woodward. The names represent not just people but criminal trials that critics claim spotlight the deficiencies of the American system of justice. During the trials, lawyers and legal experts assured Americans that these cases were not typical and that the U.S. trial system remains the best in the world. But according to CU-Boulder law professor and former federal prosecutor William T. Pizzi, these cases are typical and our legal system is not the best.

CU-Boulder April 8 Speaker A Former U.N. Investigator Of Human Rights Violations During Bosnian Civil War

April 6, 1999

MEDIA ADVISORY M. Cherif Bassiouni, professor of law at DePaul University and Chairman of the United NationsÂ’ Commission of Experts investigating human rights violations during the Bosnian civil war, will deliver the 42nd annual John R. Coen Lecture in the Fleming Law Building on the CU-Boulder campus. Bassiouni will be available to answer reporters' questions concerning suspected human rights violations in Kosovo on Thursday, April 8, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Fleming Law Building at CU-Boulder. Call 492-3084 to arrange an interview.

Multicultural Environmental Expert To Speak At CU-Boulder

April 6, 1999

The physical affects of buildings, classrooms, signs and symbols on visitors and members of the campus community will be the topic of a forum at the University of Colorado at Boulder on April 20 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in conference rooms 3 and 4 at the Recreation Center. Professor James Banning of CSU, who studies the relationships among people and the university environment, will give a slide presentation on the impact that these spaces, including graffiti, art, posters and access, may have on diverse groups and the spirit of multiculturalism.

Antarctic Ice Shelves Breaking Up Due To Decades Of Higher Temperatures

April 6, 1999

Two ice shelves on the Antarctic Peninsula known as the Larsen B and Wilkins are in "full retreat" and have lost nearly 3,000 square kilometers of their total area in the last year, say scientists in Colorado and the United Kingdom. Researchers at the University of Colorado at BoulderÂ’s National Snow and Ice Data Center and the British Antarctic Survey attribute the retreats to a regional warming trend. The trend has caused the annual melt season to increase by 12 days to a total of 20 days over the last 20 years, they said.

CU-Boulder Applied Mathematics Gets Sun Microsystems Equipment

April 5, 1999

The University of Colorado at BoulderÂ’s department of applied mathematics has been awarded a major equipment grant from Sun Microsystems of Sunnyvale, Calif. Valued at about $120,000, the grant includes a large Sun Enterprise server and 15 high-performance graphic workstations. The grant supplements a $35,000 equipment grant from the National Science Foundation. CU-BoulderÂ’s College of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School and the applied mathematics department provided matching funds.

Author And Poet C.L. Rawlins To Lecture

April 5, 1999

Award-winning author and poet C.L. Rawlins will present a lecture titled "In Gravity National Park: Peaks and Depths of the New West," on Wednesday, April 21. The talk will be held at 7 p.m. in the Chautauqua Community House in Boulder. Rawlins will read selections from his newest book, "In Gravity National Park," which recently won the Mountain and Plains Bookseller's Award for poetry. His poetry is known for expressing praise of and respect for landscape and nature. A book signing will take place after the lecture.
