maven launch

The Univeristy of Colorado's student and faculty聽efforts聽to study聽and explore聽space began in聽1948聽with a sub-orbital rocket program studying Earth's upper atmosphere,聽predating even聽NASA. Today, CU and its Boulder and Colorado partners are forging the path toward a future with聽increased use of space for commercial and scientific purposes. As the largest academic recipient of NASA grants, our scientists and engineers聽play a key role in designing, building, and studying tomorrow's space missions. LASP is one of the very聽few institutions in the world that can handle all key聽aspects of running a space mission: from the initial concept design, to fabrication of instruments and the spacecraft bus, to mission operations and archiving the聽science data. In an age of reduced budgets, NASA knows it can count on the University of Colorado to get our projects done on time and on budget.聽

Our sounding rocket and CubeSat聽programs聽give students hands-on experience with emerging technologies, giving them control over science objectives and day-to-day operations. The students in these program are highly recruited by industry and frequently go on to run much large NASA programs.

Below are just a few of the many projects CU scientists and engineers are designing or operating.