Forms for Graduate Students


– Use to document student’s academic plan or changes to academic plan.

CEAE/EVEN Course Agreement Form – Use to enroll in MS thesis, MS report, MS candidacy credits, or PhD thesis credits.

– Use to enroll in a graduate-level CVEN or AREN Independent Study Course with advisor approval.

EVEN Independent Study Agreement - Use to enroll in a graduate-level EVEN Independent Study Course with advisor approval.

- Complete this form to apply for participation the department's Lunchtime Connections program. This programs offers students an opportunity to connect with a faculty member over lunch. See form for more information. 

- Submit this form if you are completing a MS Thesis or PhD dissertation and would like to an announcement to be generated and sent to the CEAE/EVEN Graduate Community. See form for more details.  


Graduate School Forms

Transfer of Credit Request Form – Complete to request transfer of qualifying graduate-level coursework from another institution. 

– Required by department and the Graduate School. PhD students must complete alongside their comprehensive exam process. MS students must complete according to deadlines in their final semester in order to graduate.  Please refer to the Candidacy Application Student Guide for help while completing the form.

Master’s Exam Report– Rquired for all MS degree seeking students including MS Thesis, MS Report, and Coursework-Only students. 

PhD Comprehensive Exam Form– Required for the PhD Comprehensive; must be received by the department at least two weeks before the exam date. Please consult with the advising team before submitting.

PhD Final Exam Form– Required for the PhD final exam dissertation defense; must be received by department at least two weeks before the exam date. Please consult with the advising team before submitting.   

– Used by students to confirm that they will be receiving a degree before transcripts are finalized and diploma is mailed.



CU Vice Chancellor for Research: Funding Opportunities

Dean's Office Matching Grant for Student Travel