TILDE Lessons

During the 2018, the TILDE project supported the development of 40 Lotta Lara lesson plans for kindergarten through fourth grade. These lessons were implemented in the Denver Public Schools as part of the activities of the TILDE grant. We are thrilled to share 10 lessons here. 

Lotta Lara is a biliterate reading strategy that was developed in the Literacy Squared® Project as a means to promote reading fluency, comprehension, and oracy skills in both Spanish and English (Escamilla et al., 2014). The Lotta Lara strategy provides students the opportunity to read the same text a total of nine times across three days with the explicit opportunities to develop oracy skills. Oracy instruction provides explicit instruction in vocabulary, language structures and dialogue opportunities in order to develop students’ abilities to comprehend receptive and productive language skills related to literacy. The oracy activities require collaborative communication related to the text. Lotta Lara has been researched in first grade and has been found to have significant effects on Spanish reading outcomes (Butvilofsky et al., 2017). 

Download these resources for free and adapt them to the needs of your students. Let us know if you find these useful! 

Lotta Lara: Kinder

Lotta Lara: Primero

Lotta Lara: Segundo

Lotta Lara: Tercero

Lotta Lara: Cuarto

More Resources:

  • Collaborative group structures for oracy practice
  • Research article on Lotta Lara: Butvilofsky, S., Roberson, N., Sparrow, W., & Hopewell, S. Lotta Lara: A promising biliterate reading strategy. Literacy Research and Instruction, 56(4), 269-289. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19388071.2017.1328005