Wearables Quest

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Wearables Quest

The Wearables Quest Program will not run for the 2024-2025 academic year. The information below is for informational purposes only.

The Quest is open to student teams at COSGC affiliate institutions. The purpose of the Quest is to introduce students to the vast world of wearable technology that is being used to solve challenges relating to engineering and research, health, operations, cosplay and a myriad of other fields and areas of interest.

Quest teams shall have their projects ready to demonstrate by April for Final Project Review. They will be invited to participate in the Annual COSGC Symposium under the paper, poster or video category. Regardless of their participation in the Research Symposium, teams are required to submit a final video to show off their new piece of wearable technology and a final report by the end of April. 

Wearables Quest  

Students are challenged to develop a wearable that incorporates any sensor into the design to solve an issue or problem. The problem students choose to solve with the wearable technology could be space-related but doesn't have to be. Submit your report to vcorral@colorado.edu. As always, please reach out with questions!

Wearables Quest Presentation & Awards

Presentations: Teams are encouraged to submit papers, posters and videos for the COSGC Symposium held in April each year. 

Video Requirement: Each team shall make a 3-minute video addressing their design, which shall include

  • What their wearable is
  • What problem it solves
  • How it works
  • Think about an "Infomercial" - the video can be as creative as your team would like it to be (not necessarily a straight forward presentation).    


Wearables Quest has two sections - A year-long section for the academic year, and an accelerated section that just runs on the Spring semester. 

Year-long Schedule:

Important Dates

September: COSGC Annual Meeting, design challenge made available to our member schools

October: Wearables Quest Intent to participate due

October: Project Kickoff Meeting

Design Reviews:

October: Conceptual Design Review (CoDR) Week

February: Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Week

March: Critical Design Review (CDR) Week 

April: Final Project Review (FPR) Week 

April: Final Report and Video due

Accelerated Spring Schedule:

Important Dates

January: Wearables Intent to participate due

February: Project Kickoff Meeting 

Design Reviews:

February: Preliminary Design (PDR) Review Week

March: Critical Design Review (CDR) Week 

April: Final Project Review (FPR) Week

April: Undergraduate Research Symposium

April: Final Report and Video due