Policies and Positions

Graduate teaching appointments in CU Classics are normally granted on a competitive basis, and the number of appointments is based on the level of department funding. The following types of appointments have been made in the department.

Teaching Assistants (TA)

Graduate students holding appointments as TAs serve as instructors in the Latin Program, teaching sections of first or second year Latin, i.e. CLAS 1014, 1024, 2114. TAs typically meet their classes on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday schedule. TAs meet regularly with the Director of the Latin Program, hold office hours to meet with students, and are responsible for grading.

Teaching Assistants may also be assigned to large courses, such as Greek Mythology or Trash and Treasure. In these instances, TAs will attend lectures, hold office hours, and conduct weekly recitation sections as well as grade exams and other assignments. Typically, a TA will be responsible for two recitations, each of 30 students.

Appointments for TAs have been for 45% of time requiring 18 hours of time per week, with a stipend and a waiver of nine to eighteen tuition credit hours per semester.*

Graduate Part-Time Instructors (GPTI)

Graduate students holding appointments as GPTIs serve as instructors in undergraduate classes. The M.A. is required for graduate students appointed at this rank. GPTIs generally are given full responsibility for the class, including preparing the course syllabus, instructing the class, holding office hours, determining grades, etc.

The department currently appoints two 50% GPTIs.听 The position carries a stipend and a waiver of nine to eighteen tuition credit hours per semester.*

Graduate Assistants (GA)

Graduate students holding appointments as GAs serve as assistants in large lecture courses such as Greek Mythology, Roman Civilization, Alexander and the Hellenistic World. They attend class sessions, hold office hours to meet with students or conduct review sessions, and grade exams. Some GAs assist with audiovisual material.

Appointments have been for 30-35% time, requiring 12 -14 hours per week, with a stipend and a waiver of 6 -7 tuition credit hours per semester.*

How to Apply

Applications for graduate appointments from continuing graduate students are due on December 15. Incoming graduate students who submit their applications by that date are automatically considered for available positions. Applicants for TA positions should be highly motivated and have a strong interest in teaching.

Eligibility for Appointment

Applicants for graduate appointments must be full-time, regularly enrolled, degree-seeking graduate students in good standing. Applicants who are continuing graduate students must demonstrate that they are making adequate progress toward a degree according to the standards of the Graduate School. Additionally, the department expects the student to demonstrate that they can complete the degree within the normal expectations of the department's requirements. It is the policy of the department to make every effort to renew the appointments of graduate students who meet these standards to provide support for a maximum of two years of support for candidates for the M.A. and four years for candidates for the Ph.D. Applications may be submitted for graduate appointments beyond these limits up to the maximum permitted by the Graduate School and will be considered by the department.

Criteria for Appointment

In evaluating applications for graduate appointments the department takes into consideration the following criteria:

  • Academic qualifications and experience or potential relevant to the department's teaching needs
  • Performance as a teacher

Training, Supervision and Evaluation

Evaluations of Graduate Assistants are performed by the faculty member in charge of the course, who is also responsible for supervision of graduate teachers assigned to the course. These evaluations are informal and are used to assist the department in assigning GAs in subsequent semesters. Formal evaluations of Teaching Assistants are done by the Faculty Course Questionnaire (FCQ) which is distributed to students at the end of the semester. These evaluations can be extremely helpful in assessing your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher, and are often useful in building a dossier for placement purposes. Please consult the Director of Graduate Studies for further information about incorporating teaching evaluations into your record. The department also participates in the听Graduate Teacher Program. Information about the program can be obtained from the GTP at 303-492-4902. As part of this program each year a graduate teacher in the department is eligible for appointment as the Lead Graduate Teacher, who acts as a liaison between the faculty and graduate students in matters concerning teaching.

Termination of Appointments

Graduate appointments are usually terminated only at the end of a designated period of appointment. However, the appointment may be terminated at any time in the event that a graduate appointee becomes ineligible for continued appointment through unsatisfactory progress toward the completion of a degree, failure to maintain or complete the minimum required hours each semester, and/or failure to maintain enrollment as a full time student. In the event that, in the opinion of the Department Chair or other faculty or staff supervisor, the student is performing unsatisfactorily in the appointment the student may be terminated for cause as outlined in the Graduate School Handbook.

Office Space

There is a graduate student office in Eaton Humanities for use by graduate students. Please contact the Graduate Program Assistant about obtaining a key and scheduling office hours.