Poster with a teapot, teacup, and a person painting on an easle. Text reads, "Artist Spotlight featuring art by Barbara Takenaga. Acrylic Dot Painting event at the CU Art Museum. 1085 18th Street. May 5th from 1-3pm. Free event with snacks and teas!!!"
A rainbow poster with a teacup, and a person painting on an easle. Text reads, "Artist Spotlight featuring art by Barbara Takenaga. Acrylic Dot Painting event at the CU Art Museum. 1085 18th Street. May 5th from 1-3pm. Free event with snacks and teas!!!"

May 5, 1-3pm at the CU Art Museum

Need a break from finals prep? Join us at the CU art museum this reading day for another Artist Spotlight Event! We will be spending some time with artwork by Barbara Takenaga and using acrylic paints to create art inspired by her work. Snacks, drinks, and all art making materials will be provided! This event offers an opportunity to learn about a historically underrepresented artist and make some art of your own. Free and open to all students and community members!聽 This program is led by our museum attendants Aleea and Julianne.

Registration is limited to 20 participants. Click here to register.