
Ethnography & Evaluation Research (E&ER) has a history of disseminating research findings in publications geared toward varied audiences: STEM faculty, program developers and other practitioners, and social science researchers. Our publications address significant topics in science education, such as inquiry, undergraduate research (UR) and learning in experiential contexts;equitable participation of women and minorities in STEM;professional development of faculty and education-engaged scientists;and undergraduate attrition and retention in STEM fields.

For in-depth information about our work, please investigate specificresearch areasof interest.


  • Hunter, A. B., Cox, A. J., Blaha, C., Cunningham, B. A., Ivie, R., Lui, K., Ramos-Colon, I., & Whitten, B. (2024). .ADVANCE Journal,4(2).
  • Kress, N. E. (2024).Inclusive and equitable mathematics education: Active learning is necessary, but not sufficient. In Cook S., Katz, B., & Moore-Russo, D. (Eds.), forthcoming. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Omaha, NE. [Conference paper]
  • Laursen, S., & Rasmussen, C. (2024). Availing orientations and facilitating behaviors: An emerging framework for change leaders. In Cook S., Katz, B., & Moore-Russo, D. (Eds.), forthcoming. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Omaha, NE. [Conference paper]
  • Valadez Fraire, J., Archie, T., Laursen, S., & Gallion, K. (2024). Opening access to professional development: Outcomes of teaching-focused online workshops.In Cook S., Katz, B., & Moore-Russo, D. (Eds.), forthcoming. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Omaha, NE. [Abstract] [Poster]
  • Weston, T. J.; Laursen, S. L.; & Archie, T. (2024). Exploring the adoption of research-based instructional strategies in undergraduate mathematics with the Teacher-Centered Systematic Reform model. In Cook S., Katz, B., & Moore-Russo, D. (Eds.), forthcoming. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Omaha, NE. [Conference paper]
  • Wise, S., Gallion, K., & Laursen, S. (2024). Exploration of TAMI-OP as a professional development tool for mathematics instructors.In Cook S., Katz, B., & Moore-Russo, D. (Eds.), forthcoming. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Omaha, NE. [Conference paper]


  • Gallion, K., Archie, T., & Laursen, S. (2023). What’s OPDOC? A rubric for characterizing online professional development.In S. Cook, B. Katz, & D. Moore-Russo (Eds.), Proceedings of the25th Annual Conference onResearch in Undergraduate Mathematics Education(pp. 1374-1376). Omaha, NE. [Poster]
  • Goldberg, B. B., Bruff, D. O., Greenler, R. McC., Barnicle, K., Green, N. H., Campbell, L. E. P., Laursen, S. L., Ford, M. J., Serafini, A., Mack, C., Carley, T. L., Maimone, C., & Campa III, H. (2023).Preparing future STEM faculty through flexible teaching professional development. PLoS ONE 18(10), e0275349. [open access].
  • Laursen, S. L., Archie, T., Weston, T. J., Hayward, C. N., & Yoshinobu, S. (2023). A measurement hat trick: Evidence from a survey and two observation protocols about instructional change after intensive professional development. In S. Cook, B. Katz, & D. Moore-Russo (Eds.), Proceedings of the25th Annual Conference onResearch in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (pp. 429-438). Omaha, NE. [Conference paper]
  • Laursen, S., Weston, T., Archie, T., Hayward, C., Gallion, K.(2023). Measuring what matters: Characterizing change in instructor practice in college mathematics. Session on "Highlights from Research on Instructors' Learning about Teaching,"Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA, January 6. [, 22 minutes]
  • Mirabito, L., Russell, G. M., Parker, L., Donaldson, W., Katz, B. W., Morgan, E., & Skerven, K.K. (2023). Clinician’s Digest: Clinically oriented article summaries for Volume 10, Issue 2. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 10(2).
  • Russell, G. M., Donaldson, W., Parker, L., Krishnan, M., Mirabito, L., Carroll, M., Katz, B., & Skerven, K. (2023). Clinician’s Digest: Clinically oriented article summaries for Volume 10, Issue 1.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity,10(1), 175-179.
  • Weston, T. J., Laursen, S. L., & Hayward, C. N. (2023). Using latent profile analysis to assess teaching change. In S. Cook, B. Katz, & D. Moore-Russo (Eds.), Proceedings of the25th Annual Conference onResearch in Undergraduate Mathematics Education(pp. 154-162). Omaha, NE. [Conference paper]
  • Weston, T. J., Laursen, S. L., & Hayward, C. N. (2023). Measures of success: Characterizing teaching and teaching change with segmented and holistic observation data. International Journal of STEM Education 10, 24. []
  • Yoshinobu, S., Jones, M. G., Hayward, C. N., Schumacher, C., & Laursen, S. L. (2023). A broad doorway to the big tent: A four-strand model for discipline-based academic development on inquiry-based learning. PRIMUS, 33(4),329-354.[Preprint,2022]


  • Archie, T., Hayward, C. N., Yoshinobu, S., & Laursen, S. L. (2022). Investigating the linkage between professional development and mathematics instructors’ use of teaching practices using the theory of planned behavior. PLoS ONE 17(4),e0267097.(open access)
  • Archie, T., Daly, D.,Laursen, S. L., Hayward, C. N., & Yoshinobu, S. (2022).Investigating the effectiveness of short-duration workshops onuptake of inquiry-based learning. InKarunakaran, S. S., & Higgins, A. (Eds.), (pp. 36-45). Boston, MA. [Author MS]
  • Dominguez, S., Jr., Russell, G. M., Skerven, K., & Mirabito, L. (2022).Clinician’s Digest: Clinically oriented article summaries for Volume 9, Issue 3.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity,9(3), 383-385.
  • Harper, R., & Thiry, H. (2022). Advising from community college to university: What it takes for underrepresented transfer students in STEM to succeed.Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-20.. [, NSF PAR]
  • Hayward, C. N., Archie, T., Daly, D., Weston, T. J., & Laursen, S. L. (2022). The cycle of inquiry: Building effective evaluation relationships to support continuous improvement of faculty development initiatives. In S. Linder, C. Lee, K. High (Eds.), Handbook of STEM Faculty Development, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC. [Author approved manuscript] .
  • Holland Zahner, D. G. (2022). Opening the black box of vertical transfer admission: The experiences of community college students in STEM majors.Community College Journal of Research and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2022.2135041
  • Holland Zahner, D. G. & Harper, R. P. (2022). among underrepresented undergraduates in STEM majors: Comparison of former transfer and non-transfer students.Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. DOI 10.1177/15210251221146119.
  • Rosser, S., & Laursen, S. (2022). Looking back to look forward: A retrospective analysis of ADVANCE. The ADVANCE Journal 3(1).(open access)
  • Russell, G. (2022, November). Book review:Gay, Catholic and American.Newsletter of Division 44, Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, American Psychology Association.
  • Wise, S. B., Archie, T., & Laursen, S. L. (2022).Exploring two-year college biology instructors’ preferences around teaching strategies and professional development. CBE—Life Sciences Education,21(2), ar39. (open access)


  • Archie, T., Daly, D., & Laursen, S. (2021). How much is enough professional development? Outcomes of short and extended workshops on inquiry-based learning in college mathematics. 2021 Joint Mathematics Meeting, January 6-9.
  • Archie, T., Daly, D., & Laursen, S. (2021, April). Collaborative Research: PROfessional Development and Uptake through Collaborative Teams (PRODUCT) Supporting Inquiry Based Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics. Evaluation Report: 2020 Online Workshops. [Report to AIBL] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Archie, T., Hayward, C., Daly, D., & Laursen, S. (2021, April). Collaborative Research: PROfessional Development and Uptake through Collaborative Teams (PRODUCT) Supporting Inquiry Based Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics. Follow-Up Report: 2019 Workshops. [Report to AIBL] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Archie, T., Laursen, S. L., Hayward, C. N., Daly, D., & Yoshinobu, S. (2021).Investigating the linkage between professional development and mathematics instructors’ adoption of IBL teaching practices. In S. S. Karunakaran & A. Higgins (Eds.), (pp. 1-10). [Author accepted manuscript.]
  • Archie, T., Laursen, S., & Wise, S. (2021).Using the theory of planned behavior to explain STEM instructors' use of research-based instructional strategies: What we have learned from math and biology.Nothing Stays the Same: Reflecting on, Reckoning with & Re-Engineering Undergraduate STEM Education, AAC&U Virtual Conference on Transforming STEM Higher Education, online, 4-6 November. [poster]
  • Cox, A., Blaha, C., Cunningham, B., Hunter, A. B., Ivie, R., Phan-Budd, S., Ramos-Colon, I., Rice, E., Tucker, L., & Whitten, B. (2021). .The Journal of Faculty Development,35(1), 43-48. [Link goes to abstract]
  • Daly, D.,Ethnography & Evaluation Research, and the Academy of Inquiry Based Learning(2021, June).AIBL Handbook for Online Professional Development: Lessons Learned from PRODUCT Workshops. Boulder, CO, and San Luis Obispo, CA: ſ2023¼, Ethnography & Evaluation Research; and Academy of Inquiry Based Learning.
  • Daly, D., Archie, T., Laursen, S., & Hayward, C. (2021, June).Access, Awareness, Audience: The Function of Traveling Introductory Workshops in Discipline-Based Professional Development. Summative Evaluation Report from PRODUCT Traveling Workshops.[Report to AIBL] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Daly, D., Laursen, S., & Archie, T. (2021). Choosing the right tool for the job: The role of traveling workshops in engaging math faculty in active teaching strategies [poster]. Transforming Institutions 2021 Virtual Conference, online June 9-11, 2021.
  • DeVore, E. N., Skerven, K., Donaldson, W. & Russell, G. M. (2021). Clinician’s Digest: Clinically oriented article summaries for Volume 8, Issue 4.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity,8(4), 506-509.
  • Ensley, D., Laursen, S., Yoshinobu, S., & Smeltzer, D. L. (2021). . MAA Focus, August/September, 10-11.
  • Russell, G. (2021, April). Book review:Leaving the Confederate closet: A Southern lesbian’s journey.Newsletter of Division 44, Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, American Psychology Association.
  • Skerven, K., Williams, M. E., Russell, G. M., DeVore, D.N., & Parker, L. R. (2021).Clinician’s Digest: Clinically oriented article summaries for Volume 8, Issue 1.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 8(1), 119-121.
  • Weston, T. J., Hayward, C. N., & Laursen, S. L. (2021). .American Journal of Evaluation, 42(3), 377-398. [Author accepted MS] DOI:


  • Archie, T., Daly, D., & Laursen, S. (2020, March). Collaborative Research: PROfessional Development and Uptake through Collaborative Teams (PRODUCT) Supporting Inquiry Based Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics. Combined Evaluation Reports: 2019 Workshops. [Report to AIBL] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Archie, T., Laursen, S., Hayward, C. N., Yoshinobu, S., & Daly, D. (2020, November 5-7). Findings from 10 years of math instructor teaching professional development [poster]. This Changes Everything,AAC&U Virtual Conference on Transforming STEM Higher Education.
  • Archie, T., Laursen, S., & Hayward, C. N. (2020). For whom do workshops work? Personal and contextual factors associated with college instructors' implementation of inquiry-based learning after professional development. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, CO, 15-18 January.
  • Laursen, S. (2020, June 11). What does the research say? Learning and teaching in inquiry-based undergraduate mathematics. A summary for educators. Video:Youtube.(23-minute )
  • Laursen, S., & Austin, A. E. (2020).. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Matic, D., & Russell, G. M. (2020). How do I go back? Psychotherapy with international students who face stigma upon their return home.Journal of College Student Psychotherapy,34(2), 138-156.
  • Williams, M. E., Skerven, K., Russell, G. M., Krishnan, M., Burgamy, S. E., & Hendricks, M. L.(2020). Clinician’s Digest: Clinically oriented article summaries for Volume 7, Issue 1.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 7(1), 113-116.


  • Burgamy, S. E., Williams, M. E., Krishnan, K., & Russell, G. M. (2019).Clinician’s Digest: Clinically oriented article summaries for Volume 6, Issue 3.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 6(3), 392-395.
  • Krishnan, M. C., Caramiello, S. R., Williams, S. R., & Russell, G. M. (2019). Clinician’s Digest: Clinically oriented article summaries for Volume 6, Issue 1.Psychology of Sexual Orientation andGender Identity, 6(1), 121-125.
  • Laursen, S., Andrews, T., Stains, M., Finelli, C. J., Borrego, M., McConnell, D., Johnson, E., Foote, K., Ruedi, B., & Malcom, S. (2019). . Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • Laursen, S. L., & De Welde, K. (2019). The changer and the changed: Evolving theories and practices of change in ADVANCE calls for institutional transformation. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal,38(2), 140-159. [Author accepted MS]
  • Laursen, S., Hauk, S., Speer, N., & Deshler, J. (2019).Developing the developers: Lessons learned from work to support providers of professional development for graduate teaching assistants. In A. Weinberg, D. Moore-Russo, H. Soto, & M. Wawro (Eds.), (pp. 1142-1143). Oklahoma City, OK: Mathematical Association of America, SIGMAA on RUME. [Download poster]
  • Laursen, S. L., & Rasmussen, C. (2019).More than meets the I: Inquiry approaches in undergraduate mathematics. In A. Weinberg, D. Moore-Russo, H. Soto, & M. Wawro (Eds.), (pp. 357-367).Oklahoma City, OK: Mathematical Association of America, SIGMAA on RUME.
  • Laursen, S. L., & Rasmussen, C. (2019). I on the prize: Inquiry approaches in undergraduate mathematics. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 5(1), 129-146. [Author accepted MS]
  • Russell, G. M., Burgamy, S. E., Miranda, M., & Williams, M. E. (2019).Clinician’s Digest: Clinically oriented article summaries for Volume 6, Issue 2.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 6(2), 264-267.
  • Seymour, E., & Hunter, A.-B. (Eds.)(2019).Talking about leaving revisited: Persistence, relocation and loss in undergraduate STEM education.Springer Nature: Switzerland AG.


  • Haberler, Z., Laursen, S. L., & Hayward, C. N. (2018). What’s in a name?: The struggles to frame a mathematics education reform movement. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education,4(3), 415-441. [Author accepted MS]
  • Hayward, C. N., & Laursen, S. L. (2018).Supporting instructional change in mathematics: Using social network analysis to understand online support processes followingprofessional development workshops. International Journal of STEM Education,5(28).
  • Hayward, C., Weston, T., & Laursen, S. (2018). First results from a validation study of TAMI: Toolkit for Assessing Mathematics Instruction.In A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin, M. Wawro, & S. Brown (Eds.),(pp. 727-735). San Diego, CA: Mathematical Association of America, SIGMAA on RUME.
  • Katz, B., & Laursen, S. (2018). Adapting an exam classification framework beyond calculus.In A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin, M. Wawro, & S. Brown (Eds.),(pp. 980-987). San Diego, CA: Mathematical Association of America, SIGMAA on RUME.
  • Laursen, S. L. (2018). Foreword. In C. Henderson, C. Rasmussen, A. Knaub, N. Apkarian, A. J. Daly, & K. Q. Fisher (Eds.),(pp. vii-ix). New York: Routledge.
  • Laursen, S., & Archie, T. (2018). How do we teach thee?Let me count the ways. A syllabus rubric with practical promise for characterizing mathematics teaching.In A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin, M. Wawro, & S. Brown (Eds.),(pp. 862-870). San Diego, CA: Mathematical Association of America, SIGMAA on RUME.
  • Laursen, S. L., & Austin, A. E. (2018).Faculty development for mid-career women in STEM: Cementing career success, building future leaders.In V. L. Baker, L. G. Lunsford, G. Neisler, M. J. Pifer, & A. L. Terosky(Eds.),Success after tenure: Supporting mid-career faculty(pp. 221-242).Sterling, VA: Stylus. [Author accepted manuscript]
  • Laursen, S. L., & Weston, T. J. (2018). Getting to Lake Wobegon: The role of departments in diversifying Ph.D. chemistry graduates, Ch. 8 in R. Hernandez, S. Iyer, & D. Stallings (eds.),. ACS Symposium Series, vol. 1277, pp. 169-182.Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. [Author accepted manuscript]


  • Hayward, C., & Laursen, S. (2017).Supporting instructional change in mathematics: The role of online and in-person communities. In A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin, M. Wawro, & S. Brown (Eds.),(pp. 646-654). San Diego, CA: Mathematical Association of America, SIGMAA on RUME.
  • Hayward, C. N., Laursen, S. L., & Thiry, H. (2017).Why work with undergraduate researchers? Differences in advisors’ motivations and outcomes by career stage.CBE Life Sciences Education16(1), ar13.
  • Laursen, S., Haberler, Z., & Hayward, C. (2017).The Past, Present, and Future of the IBL Community in Mathematics.Boulder, CO: ſ2023¼, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Laursen, S., Hayward, C., & Haberler, Z. (2017). Using evidence to understand and support an educational reform movement: The case of inquiry-based learning (IBL) in college mathematics.In A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin, M. Wawro, & S. Brown (Eds.),(p. 1635). San Diego, CA: Mathematical Association of America, SIGMAA on RUME.
  • Laursen, S., & Hernandez, P. (2017).Co-plenary:Defining and operationalizing mentoring.Participatory Workshop on Effective Mentoring in STEMM: Practice, research, and future directions. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine.Washington, DC, February 9-10.
  • Laursen, S., Hunter, A.-B., & Seymour, E. (2017).Learning, teaching and scholarship: Fundamental tensions of undergraduate research.Ch. 13 in M. A. Miller, ed.,College teaching and learning for change:Students and faculty speak out.New York:Taylor & Francis.
  • Russell, G. M. (2017, March). Psychology responds to political distress—from therapy to YouTube. Clinician reflections on working with clients postelection. American Psychological Association, Newsletter of the Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. referenced in the article
  • Russell, G. M., & Hawkey, C. G. (2016). Context, stigma, and therapeutic practice. In K. Debord, K. Bieschke, A. R. Fisher, & T. Perez (Eds.),The handbook of sexual orientation and gender diversity in counseling and psychotherapy(3rded.) (pp. 75-104). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Thiry, H., Archie, T., Arreola Peña, M., & Laursen, S. L. (2015). .International Journal of Science Education Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, published online 19 Nov 2015. DOI: 10.1080/21548455.2015.1105397 [Author accepted manuscript]


  • Arreola Peña, M., & Laursen, S. (2016). Tweaks and tensions: What can we learn from the process of adapting a teacher workshop over time? [Report to Research Goes to School project] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Haberler, Z., & Laursen, S. (2016).Inquiry-based learning in mathematics: Negotiating the definition of a pedagogy. InT. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Engelke Infante, M. Wawro, S. Brown (Eds.),(pp. 821-827). Pittsburgh, PA: Mathematical Association of America, SIGMAA on RUME.
  • Hayward, C. N., Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. L. (2016). . International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 2(1), 59-82. Published online November 25, 2015. DOI 10.1007/s40753-015-0021-y (Abstract and paper.)
  • Hayward, C., & Laursen, S. (2016, February). Collaborative Research: Supporting Pedagogical Innovation for a Generation of Transformation via Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics (SPIGOT). Follow-Up Report 2: 2014 Workshops (#2 & #3). February 2016. [Report to the National Science Foundation] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Hayward, C., & Laursen, S. (2016, March). Collaborative Research: Supporting Pedagogical Innovation for a Generation of Transformation via Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics (SPIGOT), Cumulative Report: Workshops 1-4. [Report to the National Science Foundation] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Hayward, C. N., & Laursen, S. L. (2016).Helping instructors to adopt research-supported techniques: Lessons from IBL workshops. InT. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Engelke Infante, M. Wawro, S. Brown (Eds.),(pp. 869-877). Pittsburgh, PA: Mathematical Association of America, SIGMAA on RUME.
  • Laursen, S. (2016). What organizational features influence the spread and sustainability of student-centered instruction in departments? Case studies from inquiry-based learning in college mathematics. Symposium on Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice (ENFUSE). Washington, DC, April 27-29.
  • Laursen, S. L. (2016).Organizational features that influence departments’ uptake of student-centered instruction: Case studies from inquiry-based learning in college mathematics. InT. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Engelke Infante, M. Wawro, S. Brown (Eds.),(pp. 1022-1030).Pittsburgh, PA: Mathematical Association of America, SIGMAA on RUME. [Slide deck from conference talk]
  • Russell, G. M., & Bohan, J. S. (2016). Institutional allyship for LGBT equality: Underlying processes and potentials for change.Journal of Social Issues,72(2), 335-354.
  • Seymour, E., & De Welde, K. (2016). 'Why doesn't knowing change anything? Constraints and resistance, leverage and sustainability. In G. C. Weaver, W. D. Burgess, A. L. Childress, & L. Slakey (eds.),Transforming institutions: Undergraduate STEM education for the 21st century(pp. 462-484). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
  • Seymour, E., & Fry, C. L. (2016). The reformers' tale: Determining progress in improving undergraduate STEM education. In G. C. Weaver, W. D. Burgess, A. L. Childress, & L. Slakey (eds.),Transforming institutions: Undergraduate STEM education for the 21st century(pp. 441-461).West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.


  • Archie, T., Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. L. (2015). .International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology,7(3), 343-368. [Open access]
  • Arreola Peña, M., Gebremedhin, Y., Kadima, G. K., Kaplan, R., Kirshner, B., & Raitz, K. (2015). Students of Color are motivated agents of change: Why aren’t we joining your programs? Boulder, CO: CU Engage: Center for Community-Based Learning and Research. [full report]
  • Haberler, Z., & Laursen, S. (2015). Research Memo: IBL Community History. The value of the annual Legacy of R. L. Moore—IBL Conference. Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Hallar, A.G., Avallone, L.M., Thiry, H., & Edwards, L.M. (2015). . Ch. 13 in M.A. Holmes, S. O’Connell & K. Dutt (Eds.),Women in the geosciences: Practical, positive practices toward parity, AGU Special Publications 70, Washington, DC, & Hoboken, NJ: American Geophysical Union & John Wiley & Sons; pp. 135-148.
  • Hassi, M.-L., & Laursen, S. L. (2015). .Journal of Transformative Education,13(4), 316-340. doi:10.1177/1541344615587111 [author version]
  • Hayward, C. (2015, April). Supporting mathematics instructors’ adoption of inquiry-based learning (IBL): Lessons from professional development workshops. Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL, April 16-20.
  • Laursen, S. L. (2015). Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly,35(3), 9-14. [Open access]
  • Laursen, S. L. (2015). . In Critical examination of laboratory-centered instruction and experimental research in physics education,2015 PERC Proceedings[College Park, MD, July 29-30, 2015], eds. A. D. Churukian, D. L. Jones, and L. Ding, pp. 18-21. [Open access]
  • Laursen, S. L., Austin, A. E., Soto, M., & Martinez, D. (2015). . Ch. 5 in M.A. Holmes, S. O’Connell & K. Dutt (Eds.),Women in the geosciences: Practical, positive practices toward parity, AGU Special Publications 70, Washington, DC, & Hoboken, NJ: American Geophysical Union & John Wiley & Sons; pp. 39-49.
  • Laursen, S. L., Austin, A. E., Soto, M., & Martinez, D. (2015). . Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning,47(4), 16-24. DOI: 10.1080/00091383.2015.1053767 [author version]
  • Laursen, S. L., Hassi, M.-L., & Hough, S. (2015). . International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology,47(2), 256-275. DOI 10.1080/0020739X.2015.1068390 [author MS]
  • Russell, G. M. (2015). Comparisons and differences: A commentary on Frost.@sap (Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy),5, 406-408.
  • Russell, G. M. (2015). Changing women, changing psychotherapies. [Review of the book Psychological practice with women: Guidelines, diversity, empowerment, by C. Z. Ennis, J. K. Rice, & R. L. Nutt (Eds.)].PsyCRITIQUES, 60(8).
  • Thiry, H. L., Laursen, S. L., & Loshbaugh, H. G. (2015). . International Journal of Doctoral Studies,10, 237-256. [Open access]
  • Weston, T. J., & Laursen, S. L. (2015). . CBE-Life Sciences Education,14(3), ar33. DOI 10.1187/cbe.14-11-0206 [Open access]


  • Auchincloss, L. C., Laursen, S. L., Branchaw, J. L., Eagan, K., Graham, M., Hanauer, D. I., Lawrie, G., McLinn, C. M., Pelaez, N., Rowland, S., Towns, M., Trautmann, N. M., Varma-Nelson, P., Weston, T. J., & Dolan, E. L. (2014). . CBE-Life Sciences Education13(1), 29-40. doi: 10.1187/cbe.14-01-0004 [Open access]
  • Hayward, C., & Laursen, S. (2014).Collaborative Research: Research, Dissemination, and Faculty Development of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) Methods in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics; Cumulative Evaluation Report: 2010-2013. [Report to the National Science Foundation] Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.[Executive summary,Full report]
  • Hayward, C. & Laursen, S. (2014). Evaluating professional development workshops quickly and effectively. 17thAnnual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Denver, CO, February 27-March 1.
  • Hayward, C. N., Thiry, H. L., & Laursen, S. L. (2014). How early-career advisors’ perspectives on undergraduate STEM research advising affect the next generation of scientists. The Power of Education Research for Innovation in Practice and Policy, 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, April 3-7.
  • Hora, M., & Hunter, A.-B. (2014). .International Journal of STEM Education1(8), 1-21. [Open access]
  • Hunter, A.-B. (2014).Final Findings of the NSF PAID ADVANCE Horizontal Mentoring Alliance Initiative External Evaluation. [Report to project PIs] Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. L. (2014). . Innovative Higher Education,39(3), 183-199. doi:10.1007/s10755-013-9269-9. [Open access]
  • Laursen, S. L., & Austin, A. E. (2014). The StratEGIC Toolkit: Strategies for Effecting Gender Equity and Institutional Change. Boulder, CO, and East Lansing, MI.
  • Laursen, S. L., Hassi, M.-L., Kogan, M., & Weston, T. J. (2014). . Journal of Research in Mathematics Education,45(4), 406-418. [author version]
  • Laursen, S., & Weston, T. J. (2014). . Journal of Chemical Education,91(11), 1762–1776. DOI 10.1021/ed4006997, published online June 3. [Open access]


  • American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS] (2013). Describing & Measuring Undergraduate STEM Teaching Practices. Washington, DC: AAAS. Note: E&ER personnel contributed but did not lead this report. The report is useful and difficult to find online, so it is archived here.
  • Archie, T., & Laursen, S. (2013, July).Evaluation Report: 2013 Career Development Workshop from the Earth Science Women’s Network “Building Leadership and Management Skills for Success,” June 10-11, 2013, Providence, RI. [Report to ESWN] Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Archie, T., & Laursen, S. (2013).Summative Report on the Earth Science Women’s Network (ESWN) NSF ADVANCE PAID Collaborative Award (2009-2013). [Report to ESWN] Ethnography & Evaluation Research, Boulder, CO. [Executive summary; Full report]
  • Avallone, L., Hallar, A.G., Thiry, H. & Edwards, L. (2013). Supporting the retention and advancement of women in the atmospheric sciences: What women are saying.Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society94(9), 1313-1316.
  • Gates, A. Q., Hug, S. & Thiry, H. (2013). .Computing Research News25(4), The Computing Research Association. (Archived copy.)
  • Graham, M. J., Frederick, J., Byars-Winston, A., Hunter, A.-B., & Handelsman, J. (2013). Increasing persistence of college students in STEM.Science341, 1455-1456.
  • Hayward, C., & Laursen, S. (2013).Collaborative Research: Supporting Pedagogical Innovation for a Generation of Transformation via Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics (SPIGOT). Evaluation Report: Workshop 1 at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, June 24-27, 2013. [Report to SPIGOT] Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Hayward, C., Laursen, S., & Thiry, H. (2013).Survey of Teacher Participants in Professional Development Workshops Conducted by the Biological Sciences Initiative. 2010-2012: Final Report. [Report to the BSI] Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Hayward, C., Thiry, H., & Laursen, S. (2013, February).Evaluation of the Undergraduate Research Programs of the Biological Science Initiative: Advisors’ Perspectives. [Report to the BSI] Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. L. (2013). .Innovative Higher Education, 39(3). DOI 10.1007/s10755-013-9269-9. [Open access]
  • Laursen, S. L. (2013). From innovation to implementation: Multi-institution pedagogical reform in undergraduate mathematics. In D. King, B. Loch, L. Rylands (Eds.),, Kiama, New South Wales, Australia, 24-29 November 2013. Sydney: University of Western Sydney, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, on behalf of the International Delta Steering Committee.
  • Laursen, S., & Hayward, C. (2013). Can instructors accurately describe their classroom practice? Assessing the impact of professional development on inquiry-based learning and teaching in undergraduate mathematics. Shining through the Fog, Lighthouse DELTA 2013, the ninth Delta conference on the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics. Kiama, New South Wales, Australia, November 23-29.
  • Laursen, S., & Snow, S., with Regan, C. (2013).Approaches to Evaluating Faculty Outreach, Part IV: Demonstration Project—Girls at the Museum Exploring Science, GAMES. [Report to the Office of University Outreach] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼. [executive summary; full report]
  • Laursen, S. L., Thiry, H., Archie, T., & Crane, R. (2013). .Afterschool Matters, 17, 36-49. [open access]
  • Thiry, H. L., Laursen, S., & Archie, T. (2013). Exploring the out-of-school-time landscape: Characteristics of youth science education programs offered by distinct organization types.Education and Poverty: Theory, Research, Policy, and Praxis, 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 27-May 1.
  • Thiry, H. L., Laursen, S. L., & Loshbaugh, H. G. (2013). Doctoral advisors' perspectives on career advising and professional preparation in the sciences.Education and Poverty: Theory, Research, Policy, and Praxis, 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 27-May 1.
  • Villa, E. Q., Kephart, K., Gates, A. Q., Thiry, H., & Hug, S. (2013). Affinity research groups in practice: Apprenticing students in research.Journal of Engineering Education102(3), 444-466.


  • Archie, T., Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. (2012, July). Evaluation Report: 2012 Career Development Workshop from the Earth Science Women’s Network “Skills for Networking and Communication,” June 4-6, 2012, Madison, Wisconsin. [Report prepared for ESWN]. Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Hayward, C., Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. (2012, July). Collaborative Research: Research, Dissemination, and Faculty Development of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) Methods in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. Evaluation Report: University of California, Santa Barbara (June 2012).[Report prepared for the NSF]. Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Hayward, C., Kogan, M., & Thiry, H. (2012).Student Outcomes from Undergraduate Research: An Evaluation of Biological Science Initiative (BSI) Undergraduate Research Programs, 2012. [Report prepared for the BSI]. Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Hunter, A.-B. (2012, July).Final Report of an Ethnographic Pilot Study Exploring the Future E-Learning Needs of Three Key U.S. Industries. [Report to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation]. Ethnography & Evaluation Research, CARTSS, ſ2023¼.
  • Hunter, A.-B. (2012, June).Formative and Summative Results of Qualitative Interviews with Participants in the Initial Implementation of the Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program at CU-Boulder. [Report to Barbara Russell, Manager, Post Baccalaureate Program, Division of Continuing Education & Professional Studies, ſ2023¼]. Ethnography & Evaluation Research, CARTSS, ſ2023¼.
  • Hunter, A.-B. (2012, December).Final External Program Evaluation for the “Climate, Adaptation, and Mitigation E-Learning (CAMEL): Creating a Learning Community for Solutions to Climate Change” Project. Ethnography & Evaluation Research, CARTSS, ſ2023¼.
  • Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. (2012).Role of faculty professional development in improving undergraduate mathematics education: The case of IBL workshops. In (Eds.) S. Brown, S. Larsen, K. Marrongelle, and M. Oehrtman,pp. 80-87, Feb. 23-25, Portland, Oregon.
  • Laursen, S. (2012).Approaches to Evaluating Faculty Outreach, Part III: Demonstration Project—Evaluation of Teacher Professional Development Workshops on Sound and Hearing Health. [Report to the Office of University Outreach] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Laursen, S., & Archie, T. (2012).Approaches to Evaluating the Outcomes of Faculty Outreach, Part I: Needs, Opportunities and Challenges. [Report to the Office of University Outreach] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Laursen, S., & Arreola-Pena, M., with Posnick, P. (2012).Approaches to Evaluating Faculty Outreach, Part II: Demonstration Project—Evaluation of CU Contemporary Dance Works. [Report to the Office of University Outreach] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Laursen, S., & Hassi, M.-L. (2012). Outcomes of inquiry-based learning for pre-service teachers: A multi-site study. In (Eds.) S. Brown, S. Larsen, K. Marrongelle, and M. Oehrtman,Feb. 23-25, Portland, Oregon, pp. 88-94.
  • Laursen, S., Seymour, E., & Hunter, A.-B. (2012). Learning, teaching and scholarship: Fundamental tensions of undergraduate research.Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning44(2), 30-37.
  • Laursen, S. L., Thiry, H. L., & Loshbaugh, H. G. (2012). Mind the gap: The mismatch between career decision-making needs and opportunities for science Ph.D. students. Presented at 2012 AERA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 13-17, 2012.
  • Laursen, S. L., Thiry, H., & Liston, C. (2012). .Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement16(2), 47-78. (Link goes to abstract & fulltext.)
  • Thiry, H. & Hug, S. (2012). CAHSI annual evaluation report, 2011-12: Creating networks to support Hispanic computer scientists. (Report to CAHSI). Boulder, CO: ſ2023¼.
  • Thiry, H., Hug, S. & Villa, E. (2012). Cultivating care: The Affinity Research Group model for mentoring Hispanic undergraduates. Presented at 2012 AERA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 13-17.
  • Thiry, H., Laursen, S., & Archie, T. (2012, October).Nuts and Bolts: Organizational and Program Characteristics of Youth Out-of-School-Time Programs Focusing on Science, Engineering, and Technology. [Report to the Noyce Foundation]. Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Thiry, H., Weston, T. J., Laursen, S. L., & Hunter, A.-B. (2012). .CBE Life Sciences Education11(Fall), 260-272. (Link goes to abstract and fulltext.)


  • Austin, A., Laursen, S., Hunter, A.-B., Soto, M., & Martinez, D. (2011) Organizational change strategies to support the success of women scholars in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields: Categories, variations, and issues. Presented atInciting the Social Imagination: Education Research for the Public Good, 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April 8-12 .
  • Crane, R., Thiry, H., & Laursen, S. (2011). Broadening the view: First steps toward mapping the national landscape of out-of-school-time science education. Presented atInciting the Social Imagination: Education Research for the Public Good, 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April 8-12.
  • De Welde, K., & Laursen, S. L. (2011). .InternationalJournal of Gender, Science and Technology3(3), 571-595. (Link goes to abstract and fulltext.)
  • Gates, A., Hug, S., Thiry, H., Alo, R., Beheshti, M., Fernandez, J., Rodriguez, N., & Adjouadi, M. (2011). .Transactions on Computing Education11(3), article 16 (21 pages).
  • Hassi, M.-L., Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. L. (2011). Student outcomes from inquiry-based college mathematics courses: Benefits of IBL for students from under-served groups. In (Eds.) S. Brown, S. Larsen, K. Marrongelle, and M. Oehrtman,pp. 73-77, Portland, Oregon.
  • Hunter, A.-B. (September, 2011). Student outcomes from the Louisiana State University Howard Hughes Medical Institute (LSU-HHMI) Professors Program: Qualitative results of the external evaluation of the LSU-HHMI Professors program, 2010-2011. Ethnography & Evaluation Research, University of Colorado, Boulder.
  • Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. (2011). Collaborative research: Research, dissemination, and faculty development of inquiry-based learning (IBL) methods in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Evaluation report: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (May 2011). [Report prepared for the National Science Foundation]. Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. (2011). Collaborative research: Facilitating career advancement for women in the geosciences through the Earth Science Women’s Network (ESWN). Evaluation Report: 2011 Professional Development Workshop [Report prepared for ESWN]. Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Laursen, S. L., & Brickley, A. (2011). Focusing the camera lens on the nature of science: Evidence for the effectiveness of documentary film as a Broader Impacts strategy.Journal of Geoscience Education,59, 126-138; doi:10.5408/1.3604825 [author accepted MS]
  • Laursen, S., & Brickley, A. (2011). . In J. B. Jensen, J. G. Manning, & M. Gibbs (eds.),Earth and Space Science: Making Connections in Education and Public Outreach, ASP Conference Series vol. 443, 116-124. (Link goes to abstract and fulltext.)
  • Laursen, S., Hassi, M.-L., & Hunter, A.-B. (2011). Navigating the straits: Critical instructional decisions in inquiry-based college mathematics classes. In (Eds.) S. Brown, S. Larsen, K. Marrongelle, and M. Oehrtman,pp. 101-104, Portland, Oregon.
  • Laursen, S., Hassi, M.-L., Kogan, M., Hunter, A.-B., & Weston, T. (2011).Evaluation of the IBL Mathematics Project: Student and Instructor Outcomes of Inquiry-Based Learning in College Mathematics.[Report prepared for the Educational Advancement Foundation and the IBL Mathematics Centers]. Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Loshbaugh, H. G., Laursen, S. L., & Thiry, H. (2011). .Journal of Chemical Education,88, 708-715. DOI 10.1021/ed1008574. (Link goes to abstract.)
  • McKenna, A. F., Froyd, J., King, C. J., Litzinger, T., Seymour, E., & Fortenberry, N. (2011). The complexities of transforming engineering higher education. [Report prepared for the National Academy of Engineering on theTransforming Education: From Innovation to ImplementationConference, February 2011, Purdue University].
  • Thiry, H. (2011). Long-term outcomes of the Atmospheric Science Collaborations and Enriching NeTworks (ASCENT) workshop: Comparison of results from longitudinal surveys of 2009 and 2010 ASCENT participants. (Report prepared for ASCENT). Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Thiry, H. (2011). Developing networks of women scientists: Outcomes from the Atmospheric Science Collaborations and Enriching NeTworks workshop, 2009-2011. Final report, Year 3. (Report prepared for ASCENT). Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ſ2023¼.
  • Thiry, H. & Hug, S. (2011). CAHSI BPC evaluation narrative: Individual, organizational capacity, and alliance impact measures and outcomes. (Report prepared for the American Association for the Advancement of Science). Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, ATLAS Institute, ſ2023¼.
  • Thiry, H., Hug, S. & Weston, T. J. (2011). The Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Enhancing the success of Hispanic undergraduates in computing disciplines.Enrollment Management Journal, 5(1, spring), 57-81.
  • Thiry, H. & Laursen, S. L. (2011). .Journal of Science Education and Technology20(6), 771-784. DOI 10.1007/s10956-010-9271-2 (Link goes to abstract.) [Author accepted MS]
  • Thiry, H., Laursen, S. L., & Hunter, A.-B. (2011). .Journal of Higher Education 82(4),357-388. (Link goes to abstract.)


  • Hassi, M.-L., Hannula, A., & Saló i Nevado, L. (2010). Basic mathematical skills and empowerment: Challenges and opportunities in Finnish adult education.Adults Learning Mathematics—An International Journal, 4(1), 44-61.
  • Hassi, M.-L., & Laursen, S. (2010). Benefits of inquiry-based learning for undergraduate college mathematics students. Presented atUnderstanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4, 2010.
  • Hug, S., Thiry, H., Villa, E, & Kephart, K. (2010). Situated learning theory as a framework for apprenticing Hispanics into computer science research in the CAHSI community. Presented atUnderstanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4, 2010.
  • Hug, S., Thiry, H. & Weston, T. (2010). CAHSI annual report: Recruiting, retaining and advancing Hispanics in computing. (Report to CAHSI/SACI). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, ATLAS Institute and Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Hug, S. & Thiry, H. (2010). Scaling and adapting CAHSI initiatives (SACI): Year 1 evaluation report. (Report to SACI/CAHSI). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, ATLAS Institute, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Hunter, A.-B., Weston, T. J., Laursen, S., & Thiry, H. L. (2010). URSSA: An online survey measuring student gains from undergraduate research experiences in the sciences. Presented atUnderstanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4, 2010.
  • Karukstis, K., Gourley, B., Rossi, M., Wright, L., & Hunter, A.-B. (2010). Development of a horizontal peer mentoring network for senior women chemists and physicists at liberal arts colleges, in K. K. Karukstis, B L. Gourley, M. Rossi, L. L. Wright (eds.),Mentoring strategies to facilitate the advancement of women faculty,ACS Symposium Series vol. 1057. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society.
  • Kogan, M., & Laursen, S. (2010, October). Collaborative research: Research, dissemination, and faculty development of inquiry-based learning (IBL) methods in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Evaluation report: University of Texas, Austin workshop (May 2010). (Report to NSF). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Laursen, S., Hunter, A.-B., Seymour, E., Thiry, H. & Melton, G. (2010).Undergraduate research in the sciences: Engaging students in real science.San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Loshbaugh, H., Thiry, H., & Laursen, S. (2010). Doing chemistry in changing times: Mapping trends and tensions in U.S. chemistry graduate education. Presented atUnderstanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4, 2010.
  • Seymour, E., De Welde, K., & Fry, C. (2010). . White paper commissioned for the National Academy of Engineering Forum,Characterizing the Impact and Diffusion of Engineering Education Innovations, New Orleans, February 7-8, 2011. (Link goes to fulltext.)
  • Thiry, H. (2010). Pre-post workshop outcomes for ARG Fundamentals workshop, May 25-27, 2010. (Report to CAHSI). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H. (2010). Long-term outcomes of the ASCENT workshop: Results from a longitudinal survey of 2009 participants. (Report to ASCENT). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H. (2010). Evaluation of the Atmospheric Science Collaborations and Enriching NeTworks (ASCENT) conference, July 14-16, 2010: Annual report, year 2. (Report to ASCENT). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H., & Hug, S. T. (2010). The Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Supporting undergraduate computing majors at critical transition points.Presented atUnderstanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4, 2010.
  • Thiry, H. L., Laursen, S., & Hunter, A.-B. (2010). The role of student-advisor interactions in apprenticing undergraduate researchers into a scientific community of practice. Presented atUnderstanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4, 2010.


  • Connolly, M . & E. Seymour (2009). Why theories of change matter. Briefing paper to Mobilizing STEM Education for a Sustainable Future, Critical Advisors' Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 4-6, 2009. []
  • Hassi, M.-L., Hannula, A., Saló i Nevado, L. (2009). Adults’ numeracy in Finland: What do we know about it?Adult Learning, 19(3-4), 42-45.
  • Hassi, M.-L. (2009). Empowering undergraduate students through mathematical thinking and learning. Safford-Ramus, K. (ed.),A Declaration of Numeracy: Empowering Adults through Mathematics Education, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Adults Learning Mathematics (ALM), 53-69. Lancaster, PA: DEStech Publications.
  • Hassi M.-L., & Laursen, S. (2009). Studying undergraduate mathematics: Exploring students' beliefs, experiences and gains. In S.L. Swars, D.W. Stinson, & S. Lemons-Smith (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA), pp.113-121. Atlanta, GA: Georgia State University.
  • Hug, S., & Thiry, H. (2009). Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI) Year Three Annual Evaluation Report: Recruiting, retaining, and advancing Hispanics in computing. (Report prepared for the National Science Foundation) Boulder, CO, University of Colorado at Boulder: ATLAS Assessment and Research Center.
  • Hunter, A.-B., Thiry, H., & Crane, R. (2009). Student outcomes from the LA-STEM Research Scholars Summer Bridge program. An evaluation of the LA-STEM Research Scholars program at the Louisiana State University, 2007-2008: Qualitative Results. (Report to LA-STEM) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Hunter, A-B., Weston, T. J., Laursen, S. L., & Thiry, H. (2009). URSSA: Evaluating student gains from undergraduate research in science education. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 29(3), 15-19. [Author accepted manuscript]
  • Laursen, S. (2009, March). Summative report on internal evaluation for LEAP, Leadership Education for Advancement and Promotion. (Report to the National Science Foundation) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Laursen, S. L., & Rocque, B. (2009). Faculty development for institutional change: Lessons from an ADVANCE project.Change(March/April), 18-26.
  • Laursen, S. L., & Smith, L. K. (2009). Helping scientists become effective partners in education and outreach.Eos, Transactions AGU90(1, 6 January 2009), 3-4.
  • Laursen, S. L., & Thiry, H. (2009). What are foundations doing? In Olson, S., rapporteur; Chemical Sciences Roundtable; National Research Council., Ch. 6, pp. 33-35. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. (Open access.)
  • Saló i Nevado, L., Hannula, A., & Hassi, M.-L. (2009). The state of art of the adult education system in Finland: Basic mathematics and students’ experiences.The International Journal of Learning, 16(7), 553-564.
  • Thiry, H. (2009). Evaluation of the Atmospheric Science Collaborations and Enriching NeTworks (ASCENT) conference, June 15-17, 2009. Annual report, Year 1. (Report to ASCENT) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H. (2009). Evaluation of the NIH/HHMI Scholars Program for Diversity in the Biosciences: Students’ intellectual, personal and professional outcomes from participation in research. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H. & Laursen, S. (2009). Student outcomes from undergraduate research: An evaluation of three academic year and summer undergraduate research programs in the life sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, 2007-2008. (Report to the Biological Science Initiative (BSI) and the NIH/HHMI Scholars Program for Diversity in the Biosciences.) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H., & Laursen, S. (2009). Evaluation of the undergraduate research programs of the Biological Sciences Initiative: Students’ intellectual, personal and professional outcomes from participation in research. (Report to the Biological Sciences Initiative). Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, Center to Advance Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences, University of Colorado.
  • Weston, T., & Laursen, S. (2009, August). Survey of teacher participants in professional development workshops conducted by the Biological Sciences Initiative: Final report. (Report to the Biological Sciences Initiative). Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research.


  • Crane, R., & Laursen, S. (2008).Outcomes of Educator Workshops Conducted for the PBO Nucleus Project.(Report to UNAVCO) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • De Welde, K., & Laursen, S. L. (2008). .’The Open Education Journal(1), 49-61.[Fulltext]
  • Hassi, M.-L. (2008). Empowering undergraduate students through mathematical thinking and learning. In G. Fitzsimons (Ed.),A Declaration of Numeracy: Empowering Adults through Mathematics Education,Proceedings of the ALM-15 Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June 29-July 3, 2008.
  • Hassi, M.-L., & Laursen, S. L. (2008).Faculty Climate Survey: Climate, Collegiality, Leadership, Mentoring, Diversity and Institutional Support According to Research and Teaching Faculty, 2003-2007. (Report to the LEAP Project) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Hunter, A.-B., Laursen, S. L., & Seymour, E. (2008). Benefits of participating in undergraduate research in science: Comparing student and faculty perceptions, Ch. 7 inCreating Effective Undergraduate Research Programs in Science: The Transformation from Student to Scientist, R. Taraban, R. L. Blanton, eds. New York: Teachers College Press, pp. 135-171.
  • Laursen, S. (2008).Outcomes of LEAP Individual Growth and Department Enhancement Grants, FY 2007.(Report to the LEAP Project) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Laursen, S. (2008).Scientists’ Participation in Education and Outreach for the PBO Nucleus Project. (Report to UNAVCO) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Laursen, S., & Budd, D. (2008).Formative Feedback from the Science Teaching Fellows on the Science Education Initiative at ſ2023¼.(Report to the SEI Advisory Board) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research, and Department of Geological Sciences. This evaluation reportis made available with permission from the authors and from Carl Wieman, director of the program, who noted that this is data from relatively early inthe CU SEI, and does not characterize the UBC STLF program, which operated somewhat differently, tryingto avoid problems this report identified.
  • Laursen, S., & Thiry, H. (2008).What Do We Know about What Works? Review of US Foundations’ Programs in Secondary Chemistry Education. (Report to the Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Laursen, S. L., Thiry, H., & Hunter, A.-B. (2008). Professional development for education-engaged scientists: A research-based framework. In Garmany, C. D., Gibbs, M. G., & Moody, J. W. (eds.),EPO and a Changing World: Creating Linkages and Expanding Partnerships, The 119th Annual ASP Meeting. ASP Conference Series, v. 381. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, pp. 289-297.
  • Thiry, H., Laursen, S. L., & Hunter, A.-B. (2008). Professional development needs and outcomes for education-engaged scientists: A research-based framework and its application.Journal of Geoscience Education56(3), 235-246.
  • Thiry, H. & Hunter, A-B. (2008).Student Outcomes from the LA-STEM Research Scholars program: An evaluation of the LA-STEM Research Scholars Program at Louisiana State University, 2007-2008.(Report to the LA-STEM Research Scholars program). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H. & Hunter, A-B. (2008).Student Outcomes from the LA-STEM Research Scholars Summer Bridge program: An Evaluation of the LA-STEM Research Scholars Program at Louisiana State University, 2007-2008.(Report to the LA-STEM Research Scholars program). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H., Hug, S. & Barker, L. (2008).Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI) Year Two Evaluation Report: Recruiting, Retaining, and Advancing Hispanics in Computing.(Report to CAHSI). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research and the ATLAS Assessment & Research Center.


  • De Welde, K., Laursen, S., & Thiry, H. (2007)..Sociologists for Women in Society. [Fulltext].Also published inNetwork News: The Newsletter for Sociologists for Women in Society,23(4), 14-19.
  • Hunter, A.-B. (2007).Report on the Qualitative Analysis of a Sample of Society of Physics Students Intern Journals.(Report to SPS) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Hunter, A.-B., Laursen, S. L., & Seymour, E. (2007). Becoming a scientist: The role of undergraduate research in students' cognitive, personal and professional development.Science Education,91(1), 36-74.
  • Hunter, A.-B., & Thiry, H. (2007).External Evaluation Site Visit Report for Louisiana State University’s Office of Strategic Initiatives’ LA-STEM Research Scholars Program, September 23-28.(Report to LA-STEM) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Laursen, S., Liston, C., Thiry, H., & Graf, J. (2007). .CBE-Life Sciences Online6, 49-64.
  • Marschke, R., Laursen, S., Nielsen, J., & Rankin, P. (2007). Demographic inertia revisited: An immodest proposal to achieve equitable gender representation among faculty in higher education.Journal of Higher Education, 78(1), 1-26.
  • Rocque, B., & Laursen, S. (2007, August).Faculty Career Trajectories and the Institutional Factors that Shape Them: Comparative Analysis of Longitudinal Faculty Interview Data(Report to the LEAP Project) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H. (2007).Resources for Scientists Partnering with Education (ReSciPE): Quantitative Analysis of Post-Workshop Surveys. (Report to ReSciPE). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H. & Hunter, A-B. (2007).Evaluation of the Resources for Scientists Partnering with Education (ReSciPE) project: Findings from the Interview Study. (Report to ReSciPE). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography &Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H., Laursen, S. L., & Liston, C. (2007). (De)Valuing teaching in the academy: Why are underrepresented graduate students overrepresented in teaching and outreach?Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering,13(4), 391-419.


  • Crane, R. L, Pedersen-Gallegos, L., Laursen, S. L., Seymour, E., & Donohue, R. (2006). Schema disjunction among undergraduate women in computer science, pp. 1087-1091 inEncyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology, ed. E. M. Trauth. Hershey, PA, London: Idea Group Reference.
  • Donohue, R., Thiry, H. & Coates, C. (2006).Year III Outreach Instructor Report. (Report to CardioHEADS) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Hunter, A.-B. (2006).Report on the Qualitative Analysis of Five Open-ended Questions from the Carleton College Off-Campus Studies Alumni Survey of the Marine Biology Seminar.(Report to Carleton College) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Hunter, A.-B. (2006).Report on the Qualitative Analysis of Teachers’ Responses to Open-ended Questions on the Northeast Front Range Math/Science Partnership Surveys.(Report to the Northeast Front Range MSP) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Laursen, S. L. (2006). .Astronomy Education Review, 5(1), 162-177.[Fulltext]
  • Laursen, S., Hunter, A.-B., Seymour, E., DeAntoni, T., DeWelde, K., Thiry. H. (2006). Undergraduate research in science: Not just for scientists any more. In J. J. Mintzes and W. Leonard (eds.),Handbook of College Science Teaching(pp. 55-66). Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
  • Laursen, S., & Rocque, B. (2006, September).An Assessment of Faculty Development Needs at the University of Colorado at Boulder.(Report to the LEAP Project) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado, Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H., Donohue, R. & Coates, C. (2006).Student and Teacher Outcomes from Classroom Implementation of the CardioHEADS Curriculum Units: An Evaluation of the CardioHEADS Program, 2002-2005. (Report to CardioHEADS). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Thiry, H., Donohue, R. & Coates, C. (2006).Final Year Anonymous Teacher Survey Report. (Report to CardioHEADS) Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.


  • Laursen, S., Liston, C., Thiry, H., Sheff, E., & Coates, C. (2004, November).Evaluation of theScience Squad program for the Biological Sciences Initiative at the University of Colorado at Boulder: I. Benefits, costs, and trade-offs. (Report to Biological Sciences Initiative). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado at Boulder, Ethnography & Evaluation Research.
  • Seymour, E., Hunter, A.B., Laursen, S.L., & DeAntoni, T. (2004). Establishing the benefits of research experiences for undergraduates in the sciences: First findings from a three-year study.Science Education, 88(4), 493-534.
  • Smith, S. J., Pedersen-Gallegos, L., & Riegle-Crumb, C. (2002).The training, careers, and work of Ph.D. physical scientists: Not simply academic. American Journal of Physics, 70(11), 1081-1092.
  • Seymour, E. (2002). Tracking the process of change in U.S. undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology.Science Education, 86,79-105.
  • Seymour, E. (2000). Contributions toAthena Unbound: the Advancement of Women in Science and Technology(Editors: H. Etzkowitz, C. Kemelgor, B. Uzzi). Cambridge, UK:University Press.
  • Seymour, E., Wiese, D., Hunter, A. & Daffinrud, S. M. (2000). Creating a better mousetrap: On-line student assessment of their learning gains. National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA, March 27. [PDF]
  • Seymour, E. (1999). The role of socialization in the career choices of undergraduate women in S.M.E. majors.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 869,118-126.
  • Seymour, E. & Hunter, A.B. (1998).Talking About Disability: The Education and Work Experiences of Graduates and Undergraduates with Disabilities in Science, Mathematics and Engineering.Washington, DC: AAAS.
  • Seymour, E. & Hewitt, N.M. (1997).Talking about leaving: Why undergraduates leave the sciences.Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  • Seymour, E. (1995). The loss of women from science, mathematics, and engineering undergraduate majors: An explanatory account.Science Education, 79(4), 437-433.
  • Seymour E. (1995). Why undergraduates leave the sciences.American Journal of Physics,63(3), 200-203.
  • Seymour, E. (1995). Revisiting the ‘problem iceberg’: S.M.E. students still chilled out.Journal of College Science Teaching, 24(6),392-400.
  • Seymour, E. (1992). “The problem iceberg” in science, mathematics & engineering education: student explanations for high attrition rates,Journal of College Science Teaching, XXI(4), 230-238.
  • Seymour, E. (1992). The student's experience of teaching & advising in science, mathematics & engineering majors: Gender differences in a study of undergraduate attrition.Journal of College Science Teaching,21(5), 284-292.
  • Seymour, E., & Hewitt, N. (1992). A long, discouraging climb.Prism, Journal of the American Society for Engineering Education, February (1992), 24-28.