
Link to:?;? ? ?;? ?? ?Working papers;? ? ??Publications by Research Areas

Publications in Refereed Journals (in reverse chronological order):

69.?“” (with Xinyu Hua), Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2024.

68. ?"",?Journal of Industrial Economics, 72: 633-661, 2024.

67.? "" (with Jianpei Li and Jin Zhang), International Economic Review, 63: 1717-1744, 2022

66. "" (with H. Jiang, Y. Liang, and S. Pan), Journal of Comparative Economics, , 50: 917-945, 2022.

65.?"",?(with Zhuozheng Li and Tianle Zhang), American Economic Journals: Microeconomics, 14:3: 591-621,?2022.?

64.?"" (with Xinyu Hua and Keith Maskus), Journal of International Economics. v. 132, September 2021.

63. “Competitive Differential Pricing” (with?Jianpei?Li and Marius Schwartz), RAND Journal of Economics,?52: 100-124, 2021.?

62. "", , China Economic Review, 2020.

61. “” (with Philip Gayle), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2019.

60.??(with Mark Armstrong), Economic Inquiry, , 2019.

59. “”?(with David Sappington),?RAND Journal of Economics, 2018.

58. "” (with?Jianpei?Li), Journal of Public Economics, 2018.

57. “”?(with?Shiyuan?Pan and?Tianle?Zhang),?International Economic Review,?2018.

56. “”?(with S.?Moorthy?and S. S. Tehrani),?Marketing Science,? , 2018.

55. “Economic policy uncertainty and innovation: evidence from listed companies in China" (with?GU, Xiaming and?PAN, Shiyuan),?Economic Research Journal (经济研究), 53: 109-123, 2018.

54. “”?(with?Tianle?Zhang), based on an invited talk at EARIE 2016 (Lisbon),?International Journal of Industrial Organization?(EARIE Special Issue),??, 2017.

53. “”?(飞颈迟丑?齿颈苍测耻?贬耻补),?Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 33: 237-267, 2017.

52. “Rating deflation versus inflation: On?procyclical?credit ratings”?(with Yao,?Zhiyong?and?Dingwei?Gu),?Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 41: 46-64, 2017.

51. “”?(飞颈迟丑?罢颈补苍濒别?窜丑补苍驳),?Economic Journal, DOI:?10.1111/ecoj.12412, 2017.

50. “” (with M. Schwartz),?Economica, 83: 545-767, 2016.

49. “” (with Marius Schwartz),?RAND Journal of Economics, 46: 442-460, 2015.

Earlier version:?”.

48. “” (with?Tianle?Zhang),?Management Science,?61: 1456-1471,?2015.??Earlier Version:?”

47. “” (with Michael Riordan),?Journal of Industrial Economics, 63: 549-568, 2015.

46. “?(with Scott Savage and?Jie?Zhang),?Information Economics and Policy, 33: 43-55, 2015

45. “”,?Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2014.

44. “(” (with?Shiyuan?Pan and?Tianle?Zhang),?Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2014.

43. “” (with Michael Riordan),?International Economic Review,?Vol.?54(1), 35-57, 2013.

42. “” (with Marius Schwartz),?Journal of Economics & Management Strategy,?Vol. 22, 513-528, 2013.

41. “”?(with?Xinyu?Hua),?International Economic Review,?Vol. 53, 845-866, 2012.

40. “” (with Ig?Horstmann?and James?Markusen),?,?Canadian Journal of Economics,?Vol. 45, 1-15, 2012.

39.??(with?Chuan?He),?Economic Journal,?Vol. 121, F309-F328, 2011.

38. “” (with?Tianle?Zhang),?International Journal of Industrial Organization,?29, 645-654, 2011.

37. “” (with David Sappington),?American Economic Journals: Microeconomics,?.

36. “” (with Scott Savage), NET Institute working paper, 07-13, 2007,?Review of Economics and Statistics,?.

35. “” (with Jason?Pearcy),?RAND?Journal of Economics, 41, 674-685, 2010.

34. “” (with David Sappington),?Journal of Industrial Economics, 58,?373-401, 2010.

33. “” (with Mark Armstrong),?Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 7, pp. 411-422,?2009.

32. “” (with David Sappington),?International Journal of Industrial Organization,?Vol. 27, pp. 390-402, 2009.

31. "" (with Michael Riordan),?RAND?Journal of Economics,?Vol. 39, pp. 1042-1058, 2008.

30. “”, (with Zhao,?Dongmei?and Scott Savage),? Information?Economics and Policy,?Vol. 20, pp. 192-207, 2008.

29. "" (with Robert?Feenstra), NBER Working Paper # 11752,?European Economic Review,?Vol. 52, pp. 1313-1337, 2008.

28. “”,?Journal of Industrial Economics,?Vol. 56, pp. 729-751, 2008.

27. “” (with Philip Gayle),?International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2007.

26. "" (with Michael Riordan),?The?Economic Journal, Vol. 117, pp. 897-921, 2007.

25.??(with Michael Riordan),?RAND Journal of Economics,?Vo. 38, pp. 1-21, 2007.?Web Appendix

24. "" (with?Ruqu?Wang),?Economica, Vol. 73, pp. 659-672, 2006.

23. "",?Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 15, 101-123, 2006.

22. "" (with T.?Puttitanun),?Journal of Development Economics, 78, 474-493, 2005.

21. "" (with Keith?Maskus),?Journal of International Trade and Development, Vol. 14, No.1, pp. 1-18, 2005.

20. "?" (with Terra?Mckinnish),?Economic Inquiry, Vol. 43, pp. 676-688, 2005.

19. "",?Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 14, pp. 209-229, 2005.

18. "Equilibrium Selling Mechanisms" (with R. Wang),?Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol. 5, pp. 335-355, 2004.

17. "" (with Jota Ishikawa and?Zhihao?Yu),?Journal of International Economics, Vol. 63, pp. 419-436, 2004.

16. "" (with K.?Maskus),?Review of International Economics, Vol. 12, pp. 551-570, 2004.

15. "" (with R. Wang),?Economic Letters. Vol. 85, pp. 151-155, 2004.

14. "Parallel Imports in a Model of Vertical Distribution: Theory, Evidence, and Policy" (with K.?Maskus),?Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 7, pp.319-334, 2002.

13. "",?RAND Journal of Economics,?Vol. 32, pp. 667-685, 2001.?Reprinted in: George Norman (eds),?Recent Developments in Monopoly and Competition Policy,?The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Volume 217, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008.

12. "Equilibrium Cost Overruns" (with Ron Smith),?Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol. 2, pp. 401-414, 2001.

11. ""?Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. XLVIII, pp. 161-175, 2000.

10. "",?Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Vol. 16, pp. 209-232, 2000.

9. "",?RAND Journal of Economics,?30, 441-455, 1999.

8. "" (with?Ruqu?Wang),?Economic Theory, 14, 417-428, 1999.

7. "",?Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,?6, 877-897, 1997.

6. "",?RAND Journal of Economics,?28, 168-187, 1997.

5. "",?Journal of Business,?70, 85-103, 1997.

4. "" (with Robert Rosenthal),?RAND Journal of Economics, Vol.?27, 207-220, 1996.

3. "" (with Robert Rosenthal),?International Journal of Industrial Organization, 14, 269-296, 1996.

2. "" (with Robert Rosenthal),?International Economic Review, 37, 129-155, 1996.

1. "",?International Journal of Industrial Organization, 12, 211-225, 1994.

Working Papers

  • "" (with Marius Schwartz), working paper, 2023
  • "Consumer Search with Repeat?Purchases" (with Zhuozheng Li and Tianle Zhang), working paper, 2023.
  • "" (with Y. Cao, Y. Ding, and T. Zhang), 2022, R&R for the RAND Journal of Economics.
  • "Product Safety in the Age of AI: Autonomy, R&D, and AI Liability" (with Xinyu Hua), working paper, 2024.
  • “Connectivity and Security” (with Mike Riordan and?Tianle?Zhang), work in progress.