Recruitment FAQs

Recruitment is a very exciting process! You will have the opportunity to connect with the nineNational Panhellenic Conference chapters and have conversations with chapter members. You will also have an opprotuntiy to view videos, explore social media and have opportunities to discuss sisterhood and chapter values. This is a mutual selection process so while you to get to know each chapter better through each round of recruitment, the chapters will also get to know you through conversational rounds, reveiwing your registration form, and your video, written or audio submission.

Recruitment Schedule

Panhellenic recruitment is a mutual selection process so you will rank your favorite chapters each day of recruitment and at the same time the chapters are making their selection on who they would like to see back.You may or may not be invited back to the chapters you choose, but we recommend going through the whole recruitment process!

Below is a comprehensive list of things you will need before you complete your registration form. Please note, while it is helpful to have a parent or family member help with the process, the potential new member should be the one completing this application.

  1. A laptop or desktop should be used when registering. A mobile device is not recommended.
  2. The Chrome internet browser is recommended for completing your application.
  3. Your email address. The number one error that occurs is a misspelled email address, so please be sure to check it before you submit.
  4. Your resume. Chapter members will focus heavily on this registration form. So, please be sure to list all extracurricular activities, honors, community service and work experience.
  5. Your high school transcript if you are a new student, or your college transcript if you are a current or transfer student.
  6. A recent photo that you will be asked to upload (limit one).
  7. Payment by debit or credit card is required at the time of registration. Registration fee is non-refundable.
  8. A video or audio submission sent in via VidCruiter, answering your choice of three of the following prompts:
  • What are you looking forward to the most at CU?
  • If you have volunteer experience or a passion for philanthropy, tell us about your involvement and how has it shaped who you are today?
  • Imagine you're hosting a podcast. What would be the title of your show, and what topics would you explore in each episode?
  • Describe an experience or accomplishment that most people would consider minor but had a major impact on you and your life. Why was it important or significant to you?
  • Describe a moment when you felt deeply connected to your community or a cause. What role did your personal values play in that experience?

We highly recommend you print your registration when you get to the final screen so you remember what information you provided.

Recruitment counselors are undergraduate members who apply and are selected to facilitate the recruitment process for thePNMsand provide them with an unbiased experience. These student leaders go through an extensive educational training on the nineNPC sororities (including history, insignia, philanthropy, traditions and ideals) which gives them an equal knowledge of all the chapters and a neutral and informed perspective for all PNMs.

As registrations are processed, PNMs will be placed in a group at random. During thistime, recruitment counselors will be reaching out via the email provided in the PNM registration to start building relationships and sharing information. It is the responsibility of the PNM to respond to requests and to be engaged as needed.

During the designated recruitment period two recruitment counselorswill have a group of 30 to 40 PNMs to guide through the process. Eachgroup will have two recruitment counselorswho will explain the processtoPNMs,guidethem through difficult decisions, and be their confidential soundboard.

Academic excellence is an important value for the sorority community at ſ2023¼.Although Panhellenic does not require a specific grade-point average to participate in recruitment, each sorority has a minimum grade requirement for joining and maintaining membership. Potential members should ask each sorority about individual academic requirements during primary recruitment.

It is important to understand that if your grade point average is lower than the average chapter requirements, your chances of joining will be low. If you have a GPA below a 3.0 for a new student and a 2.5 for a current student, you likely will not be eligible to join. We also know that there could be extenuating circumstances that have negatively impacted your GPA. If that is the case, please complete the GPA explanation section duringregistrationto provide an explanation.

We expect all sorority members to do well in school and there are programs in place to help. Many chapters have study table hours to assist you in time management and tutor programs to create an environment in which you can excel. Scholarships may be available through individual chapters and national sororities for initiated members.

It is important for students and parents to be as informed as possible regarding the costs associated with obtaining a college education. Understanding the financial obligations associated with sorority membership is just as important.

Each woman joining a sorority should be aware of the dues, fees and other expenses that are involved and should consider these when making financial plans to attend college. During primary recruitment, a potential newmember should ask sorority members about financial obligations and payment options. Each sorority sets its own fees and housing costs as well as payment schedule.

Additionally, each sorority also will be talking about the financial obligationof being a member​and providing you with a cost breakdownduring the second round of recruitment.

All nineof our NPC chapters will have chapter facilities this fall!The experience is much more than a chapter facility or specific place. It is about the support systemswomen can create for one another and the lifelong bonds they can form.

Some sorority members have the opportunity to live in beautiful historic homes within walking distance of campus. Chapter houses are privately owned and maintained by local or national sorority alumnae house corporations. Upper class members may have an obligation to live in the sorority house;however, each sorority establishes its own regulations regarding members living in or out of the chapter house.Potential members should ask each sorority about individual requirements for living in or out of the chapter house during formal recruitment.

Each sorority employs a full-time, live-in house director that oversees the daily operations of the chapter house. The sorority houses provide a comfortable and secure environment for the members. Each sorority establishes house rules, including visitation and quiet hours. The possession and consumption of alcohol on sorority property is prohibited. Study hours, dining facilities and workout facilities are a few of the features you will find in each sorority house. Sorority houses are truly a “home away from home.”

There will be two ways to get involved after the primary recruitment process. First, there aresome great member opportunities with our Associate Panhellenic Chapters: Phi Sigma Rho and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi. For more information on their recruitment process, contact

Second, chapters who have not reached their maximum member cap will be eligible to participate in continuous open bidding.

Primary sorority recruitment at the University of Colorado is only conducted in the fall semester. Fall 2024 recruitment week begins Aug.28 and concludes Sept.3. It is important to note that the CU Panhellenic does not host structured spring recruitment. If you are unable to participate in fall primary recruitment but are interested in joining a sorority, you may participate in continuous open bidding (COB).

COB begins immediately following the end of the primary recruitment process, on Bid Day. COB is also sometimes held in the spring semester; however, not all sororities are eligible to participate in COB. For more information about the COB process, please contact the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life at

Yes! When registering for recruitment you will be required to submit an unofficial transcript. If you are concerned about your grade point average there is a section of recruitment registration that allows you to explain your GPA.

The Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA)is a one-year binding agreement signed by a potential new member when ranking chapters after the final round of preference events during the primary recruitment process. Prior to signing the MRABA, PNMs have several options to consider and reflect on with regard to membership options.

A PNM may choose not to complete the MRABA, thereby withdrawing from recruitment. If a PNM chooses this option, she is eligible to accept a bid for membership from any sororities participating in continuous open bidding (COB). While not guaranteed, a small number of sororities may be able to recruit a limited number of women through the COB process after primary recruitment, if their chapter is below Panhellenic total (i.e. average chapter size).

A PNM may choose to list any sorority whose preference event she attended and from whom she is willing to accept an invitation to membership (a bid). PNMs should not rank any sorority on her final selection that she is absolutely not willing to accept a bid for membership. If a PNM matches with a sorority that she listed on her MRABA, regardless of whether she accepts the invitation for membership or not, she is bound to that sorority for one calendar year (August 2023–August 2024) and is not eligible to participate in COB or accept a bid from another NPC chapter until the next primary recruitment period.

A PNM may choose to list only one or two preferences, but she must understand that by choosing to single intentional preference that she is not guaranteed to receive a bid for membership. Only potential new members who maximize their options and list ALL of the chapters that they attended during the preference round are guaranteed to receive a bid for membership, although it may not be their top choice. If a PNM does not receive an invitation to membership (a bid) from any of the sororities that she listed on her MRABA, then she is eligible to participate in continuous open bidding (COB).

No. Unfortunately, all registration fees are nonrefundable, no exceptions. This is clearly stated on the recruitment registration payment link, so before you register for recruitment please take this into consideration.

Any CU student who consistently lives and self-identifiesas a woman is eligible to participate in sorority recruitment provided that (1) they are a regularly enrolled student or plan to be a full-time student in good standing with the University of Colorado, (2) they have never been initiated into one of the 26 National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sororities at CU or on another campus, and (3) they register for recruitment prior to noon on August 28, 2024.

National Panhellenic Conference Panhellenic Recruitment Eligibility (2020) Policy: For the purpose of participation in Panhellenic recruitment, a woman is defined as an individual who consistently lives and self-identifies as a woman. Each women’s-only NPC member organization determines its own membership selection policies and procedures.

Yes. Provided you are a full-time student at CU who consistently lives and self-identifies as a woman and have not been initiated into an NPC sorority at CU or on another campus, you may participate in fall primary recruitment.

With all of the chaos going on during the week of recruitment, the last thing we want you to be stressed about is what to wear! We have compileda guide to each round, but ultimately you should wear what you feel the most comfortable in and what reflects your own personal style the best.

Orientation: Orientation is extremely casual. You will be sitting and listening to a presentation, watching chapter recruitment videos and meeting with your Rho Gamma group. Workout sets, shorts and a t-shirt, or whatever you’re most comfortable in is perfect!

Second datebook: Second Datebook is the most casual round of recruitment! Think about what you would wear to have brunch with friends or a day out in the city. A romper, casual sundress or a cute top and skirt/flowy pants are all great options.

Third datebook: Third Datebook is a little less casual than Second. A nicer sundress with wedges or low heels is recommended. Think what you would wear to an outdoor summer wedding – nice but not cocktail attire. Feel free to bring a pair of flip-flops or sandals to wear between parties.

Preference: Pref Night is the most formal round of recruitment! Think about what you would wear to graduation or a cocktail attire wedding. A nice jumpsuit or dress is perfect! High heels are appropriate.

Note: Boulder is HOT during August and September and it is even hotter insidethe houses!

Questions about Fraternity and Sorority Life should be sent to Specific inquiries about primary recruitment at the ſ2023¼ should be sent to