Our Commitment to Inclusive Teaching

We value all members of the CU community and recognize the historical and continuing inequities in preparation for, access to, and success in higher education, including at 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录. As a program housed across all Arts & Sciences departments, we strive to take an intersectional approach to the lived experiences, backgrounds, identities, positions, and perspectives of students, faculty, and staff. We are committed to anti-racism, the dismantling of inequities, and the end of disenfranchisement.

Diversity & Inclusion in Action in the Honors Program

In the Arts & Sciences Honors Program, faculty work closely with students in small classes that emphasize critical thinking and active, collaborative learning. Faculty draw on principles and practices of diversity and inclusion in our teaching (please see a few exampleshere). Faculty and staff mentor and support students from diverse backgrounds with interests across the Arts & Sciences. The program empowers and trains students in leadership positions on the Honors Journal Editorial Board and the Honors Program Student Advisory Board. Faculty facilitate the Center for Teaching and Learning鈥檚Anti-Racism Canvas Coursein our Honors Program Anti-Racism Reading Groups each year.

Miramontes Arts & Sciences Program

We work closely with the Miramontes Arts & Sciences Program. 听The Miramontes Arts & Sciences Program (MASP) is an inclusive academic community in the College of Arts & Sciences听comprised of motivated students dedicated to pursuing academic excellence at 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录. MASP supports traditionally underrepresented and/or first-generation college students who want to be part of a diverse, multicultural academic enrichment community. MASP is a cooperative and collaborative program that offers a participation scholarship and dedicated space for activities, advising, studying, and seminars.听 Check out MASP at www.colorado.edu/masp.