Many distinquished faculty from across our affilated departments have contributed to the Institute.听Listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Danielle Albers Szafir
Danielle Albers Szafir
Former ICS Affiliated Faculty • Assistant Professor • Former ICS Fellow
Information Science
Ernesto G. Arias
Ernesto G. Arias
Professor Emeritus
Architecture and Planning
Lyle Bourne
Lyle E. Bourne, Jr. (D)
Professor Emeritus
Psychology and Neuroscience
Gerhard Fischer
Gerhard Fischer
Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Barbara Fox New
Barbara Fox
Former ICS Affiliated Faculty • Professor Emerita • Former ICS Fellow
Kenneth Hammond
Kenneth Hammond (D)
Professor Emeritus
Psychology and Neuroscience
Lewis Harvey
Lewis Harvey
Professor Emeritus • Former ICS Affiliated Faculty • Former ICS Fellow
Psychology and Neuroscience
Alice Healy
Alice Healy
Professor Emerita
Psychology and Neuroscience • Healy/Bourne Lab
Kent new
Kent Hutchison
Former ICS Affiliated Faculty • Professor • Former Fellow
Psychology and Neuroscience
Walter Kintsch
Walter Kintsch (D)
Professor Emeritus
Psychology and Neuroscience • Caccamise/Kintsch Lab
Tom Landauer
Tom Landauer (D)
Professor Emeritus
Psychology and Neuroscience
Phillip Langler
Phillip Langer (D)
Professor Emeritus
School of Education
Image of Clayton Lewis
Clayton Lewis
Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Image of Gary McClelland
Gary McClelland
Professor Emeritus
Psychology and Neuroscience
Lise Menn
Lise Menn
Professor Emerita
Image of Yuko Munakata
Yuko Munakata
Former ICS Affiliated Faculty • Professor • Former Fellow
Psychology and Neuroscience
Image of Randall
Randall O'Reilly
Former ICS Affiliated Faculty • Professor • Former ICS Fellow
Psychology and Neuroscience
Michael Paul
Michael Paul
Former ICS Affiliated Faculty • Former Fellow
Information Science
Image of Peter Polson
Peter Polson
Professor Emeritus
Psychology and Neuroscience
Gail Ramsberger
Gail Ramsberger
Former ICS Affiliated Faculty • Associate Professor
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Patricia Rankin
Patricia Rankin
Former ICS Affiliated Faculty • Professor Emerita • Former ICS Fellow
Image of Lynn Snyder
Lynn Snyder (D)
Professor Emerita
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Daniel Szafir
Daniel Szafir
Former ICS Fellow • Assistant Professor
ATLAS • Computer Science
Chenhao Tan
Chenhao Tan
Former ICS Affiliated Faculty • Former Fellow
Computer Science
Karl Winklmann
Karl Winklmann
Senior Instructor Emeritus
Computer Science