OIEC has an obligation and jurisdiction to conduct at least a preliminary inquiry to determine whether the alleged conduct warrants further action. OIEC acts as a neutral, objective fact finder when adjudicating a complaint. When someone has concerns about behaviors that are a potential violation of our policies, OIEC can either conduct a formal adjudication – consisting of an investigation, sanctioning and appeal, as applicable - or resolve the issue through an educational resolution process.

Anyone considering reporting an incident or concern can discuss the reporting options confidentially with theÌýOffice of Victim Assistance (OVA).

When a report is made, the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) will:

  • Follow up with the person making the report, if they are reporting for someone else.
  • Contact the person impacted by the behavior (the complainant).
  • Provide information to the complainant about confidential resources.
  • Discuss options for possible support or safety remedies, which are measures such as changes to academic, living, transportation, and working situations for the complainant.
  • Explain to the complainant the process for resolving a concern informally and what is involved in the formal adjudication process.

Even if the complainant chooses not to move forward or participate in an adjudication process (through OIEC or law enforcement), they can contact OIEC forÌýsupport measures, and for assistance accessing resources on or off campus.