Volunteer Resource Center 2023 Staff posing in front of the flatirons

Our passion is helping people. We thrive on the idealism and enthusiasm of college students. We work to build partnerships between the 澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 campus community and Boulder.

We strive to work towards the vision of a society of active citizens, who view community as a priority when making life decisions. 听We believe volunteerism is a tool for the transformation of individuals and society and is a vehicle for social justice.

We are consistently working with and assessing the needs of the campus community in relationship to the needs of the many communities that exist outside of campus.听

We work to create programming and events for the CU community that will ultimately encourage life long engagement in the world.

We are dedicated to helping students as well as staff and faculty explore the opportunities and understand sustainable ways in which to create an impact and affect positive social change.

The Volunteer Resource Center organizes under a philosophy of service that believes education and reflection are essential components of service, focuses on strengths and reciprocal relationships, emphasizes the interconnectedness of social and environmental justice issues, and commits to diversity and inclusion.