Because the goal of theBe Boulderplatform is to present a single, cohesive message to our internal and external audiences, it is important that all departments, schools, programs, organizations and centers affiliated with ſ2023¼ work together to abide by the design guidelines of the platform. Below are correct and incorrectdesign componets to keep in mind when creating a project.

Logo Guidelines:

Do:Lock up the CUBoulder logo below the tagline.Use artwork provided rather than reproducing ityourself.

ٴDz’t:Lock up the CUBoulder logo on top of the tagline.Use artwork provided rather than reproducing ityourself.

Do:Set the tagline in initial caps.Use artwork provided rather than reproducing the tagline yourself.

ٴDz’t:Set the wordmark in all caps.Use artwork provided rather than reproducing the tagline yourself.

Do:Right align the specific unitwith the bottom right of the "r" in Be Boulder.

ٴDz’t:Center align the wordmark lockups.

Do:Use lowercase letters for the second word in the "Be" statement.

Be statement second word correct with lowercase letters

ٴDz’t:Use uppercase letters for the second word in the "Be" statement.

Be statement second word incorrect with uppercase letters