Advancing听a new science of human-agent teaming for听the future of education and workforce development.听

An interdisciplinary research community dedicated to transforming classrooms into more effective, engaging and equitable learning environments. This $20 million effort brings together researchers from many different affiliations to tackle how AI will shape the future of education.

罢丑别听Environmental Data Science Innovation & Inclusion Lab听(ESIIL) is a听$20M NSF synthesis center led by Jennifer Balch of CU Geography with听. AI听informs the environmental data science activities of this national-serving center, which includes research working groups, data science hackathons, and an un-conference style annual summit in Boulder each spring.

澳门开奖结果2023开奖记录 is a world leader in artificial intelligence research. Groundbreaking fundamental and applied developments in听AI听are occurring across campus, from our department to linguistics and anthropology. The nature of research in听AI has led to a groundswell of remarkable work being conceived by an increasing number of researchers. In our department, we focus on fundamental developments in the core areas of computer vision, data mining, machine learning, natural language processing and speech processing, while also pursuing interdisciplinary work at the interface to applications. Advances in these areas are being applied to a broad range of challenges facing society, including education, emergency response, health care and space exploration.

One such example is our department's leading the听National Science Foundation AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming (iSAT)听an interdisciplinary research community dedicated to transforming classrooms into more effective, engaging and equitable learning environments. This $20 million effort brings together researchers from many different affiliations to tackle how听AI will shape the future of education.

Another example is the Environmental Data Science Innovation and Inclusion Lab or听, a $20M NSF synthesis center led by Jennifer Balch of CU Geography with . AI听informs the environmental data science activities of this national-serving center, which includes research working groups, data science hackathons, and an un-conference style annual summit in Boulder each spring.

Beyond these NSF institutes,听our faculty in this area have collaborations across the campus, including with Aerospace Engineering Sciences, the BioFrontiers Institute, the Institute for Cognitive Science and the School of Education.

Labs & Centers

Affiliated Centers and Interdisciplinary Research Themes (IRTs)