School logo example

Logos for university groups—also known as logo signature extensions or unit-specific lockups—follow a standardized and consistent visual hierarchy that supports the University of Colorado brand while providing a clear and strong unit or group identifier. Eligible groups include all:

  • Schools
  • Colleges
  • Academic and administrative units
  • Departments
  • Programs
  • Centers and institutes
  • Student groupsÌýas recorded by the are also eligible to use campus marks, including unit-specific lockups.

Unit logos include two elem​ents:ÌýTheÌýCU logomark (interlocking CU), and theÌýunit or group name, followed by the university and campus affiliation. These components are always placed in a fixed relationship and should never be altered, modified or redrawn.

Unit logos are available as horizontal, vertical and centered lockups in four-color, spot-color, grayscaleÌýand black-and-white variants. The two-line, color, horizontal signature is the preferred treatment for most applications.

Unit logos are standardized throughout the University of Colorado system. Nonstandard or custom marks of any kind—with the exception of those groups that have received a co-branding exemption—are not permitted.

Logos are available for current university employees and can be requested using the download form under the section: "Unit-specific lockups".

Typographic Treatments

Type treatment In lieu of secondary college, schoolÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýunit-specific logomarks, the followingÌýparameters govern the creation and use ofÌýconsistent typographic treatments for theÌýpromotion of university programs and offeringsÌýwithin these brand identity guidelines.

  • All treatments should useÌýthe Helvetica Neue type family.
  • Unique treatments may be developedÌýthrough variations of type weight, colorÌýand alignment.
  • The only colors available for use in typographicÌýtreatments are black ²¹²Ô»åÌýCU gold.
  • Each typographic treatment, onceÌýcreated, must be used consistently ²¹²Ô»åÌýcannot be altered with each use.
  • Treatments must always be used inÌýconjunction with a complete University ofÌýColorado Boulder logo signature, according toÌýthe brand identity guidelines.
  • Treatments may not be used in universityÌýweb banners.

For additional guidance—and forÌýassistance in the development ofÌýtypographic treatments—contactÌý